InStitches: a chance to chat and tat
14 Aug 2015
Come along to the University's knitting, stitching, crocheting and general crafting group on Wednesday lunchtimes
The group meets weekly on a Wednesday, alternating between north and south campuses (The Hub Café in Manchester Meeting Place and the first floor common room in Kilburn). It is an opportunity to:
- chat to like-minded individuals about the sort of crafts you like to do, be that knitting, crocheting, embroidery, cross-stitch, tapestry or anything else that falls into the “stitching” category do you know anyone who can tat?!);
- work on a charity project – creating small items to sell, eg on Red Nose Day for Comic Relief 2015 and at Christmas for a local charity;
- get involved in fun projects, such as yarn bombing the Coronation Street Tour (StaffNet news article and pictures on Flickr);
- get out of the office for a while at lunchtime.
The meetings are very informal – drop in any time between 12 noon and 2pm with your lunch and your current project. You can have a natter, seek/offer help with projects, perhaps get involved with a charity project and generally get to know new people and develop new skills.
Further information