Changes to IT Services
30 Jul 2015
IT Services (ITS) is embarking on a major transformational change programme which is essential to meet the University’s future needs
In order deliver our future requirements, ITS needs to change the current skills base and move towards a new delivery model to work with expert and tailored external suppliers, to enable the continued support of the University’s 2020 Vision.
To achieve this, the University is seeking to make a reduction of 68 staff from across a number of roles and grade bands within IT Services, through a Voluntary Severance scheme. We will be entering into consultation on the details of this scheme with the campus Trade Unions.
If the Voluntary Severance scheme is not effective in achieving the target reduction it will be followed by a compulsory redundancy programme, in line with existing University policies and processes. Should compulsory redundancies be required, campus Trade Unions will be consulted.
As always, the University is committed to ensuring that this process is conducted fairly and transparently and will seek to explore opportunities for the avoidance of redundancy where possible, including redeployment and retraining of its staff.