University's conference facilities highly commended by VisitEngland
13 May 2015
The University Conferences and Venues Team hare been Highly Commended in the business tourism category of the VisitEngland Awards for Excellence 2015
Our conference facilities were showcased at the awards ceremony for the most prestigious awards in British tourism, which took place on Monday, 11 May 2015 at the Sage Gateshead.
Pictured from left to right at the ceremony are: Penelope, Viscountess Cobham - Chairman of VisitEngland, Layton Quinton - Marketing Manager, Alison Aucott - Head of Hospitality and Events, and James Berresford - Chief Executive of VisitEngland.
James Berresford commented: "It is a great achievement to win a Highly Commended Award in a field of very high quality applications. The Award places The University of Manchester Conferences and Venues in the top five businesses for excellence in their category in England. I warmly congratulate them on this achievement."