Thank you for your views!
28 Apr 2015
An amazing 70% of you took part in the Staff Survey 2015
Professor Martin Humphries, Vice-President and Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences, who leads the Staff Survey Steering Group, said: "This is a brilliant response, so thank you to everyone who took those 15 minutes to complete the survey.
"In the first Staff Survey back in 2013 we achieved a 71% response rate with 6,490 surveys completed. This time around 7,177 of you completed the survey resulting in a 70% response rate, well above the 50% KPI set in Manchester 2020.
“It’s always difficult to maintain the same level of momentum the second time round, so I’m delighted that literally thousands of you have taken part. This means that we will have a reliable picture of how people feel about working at our University, which will prove invaluable in creating action plans for 2015-2017.
"I’d particularly like to thank leaders and managers who worked really hard to encourage their staff to take part in the survey. It’s really gratifying that high response rates have been achieved across virtually the entire institution.”
In addition, three local charities will benefit to the tune of £7,177, with a £1 donation being given for each survey completed.
Capita, which carried out the survey on the University’s behalf, will now analyse the results and put together a range of reports at a University-wide, Faculty and local organisational unit level. This year we’ll also have additional reports showing trends between 2013 and 2015. The results will be shared with staff early in June.
Following this, action plans will be put together as follows:
- University-level – led by members of the University’s Senior Leadership Team (SLT);
- Faculty level (one action plan for each Faculty) – led by the Deans and Vice-Presidents;
- Professional Support Services – led by the Registrar, Secretary and Chief Operating Officer;
- Library/visitor attractions – led by members of SLT.