The Confucius Institute Tai Chi Course 2015
25 Mar 2015
Register now to practice Tai Chi in your lunch hour - only £40 for a 10 week course from 16 April to 18 June 2015 on Thursdays (12,15-1.15pm) at the Sugden Centre
Often described as ‘meditation in motion’, the ancient art of Tai Chi has been practiced for many centuries as a method of improving health and wellbeing. The gentle movements are designed to restore balance to the nervous, digestive and immune systems.
Tai Chi also lowers blood pressure and some believe that it can increase longevity. It is gentle on the joints and not strenuous so it won’t make you perspire or leave you out of breath, but will stimulate the mind, calm the nerves and help to keep you fit.
This course, run by Di Qiang – one of the nineteenth-generation of esteemed Chen Tai Chi masters – will follow the traditional Chen style Tai Chi which combines the theory of Yin and Yang, Taoist doctrine and classic martial arts routines.
Make the most of your lunch hour by leaving your desk or study room and joining the Confucius Institute for a calming session that will leave you feeling peaceful and restored.
Course requirements: No previous knowledge of Tai Chi is necessary. Ideal for beginners and post-beginners.
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Further information
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- Tel 0161 275 8667