Abstract and registration open for British Microcirculation Society Meeting 2015
16 Jan 2015
Submit your abstract and register now for meeting to be held at the University on Thursday, 16 and Friday 17 April 2015
The 2015 meeting of the British Microcirculation Society is being hosted at Manchester this year with the symposium 'Imaging the Microcirculation'. If you would like to submit an abstract or register please go to:
The British Microcirculation Society was founded "to advance the study of circulation of the blood and other tissue fluids especially, though not exclusively, in the small vessels and of matters relating thereto". The membership of more than 250 is drawn largely from the medical sciences - anatomy, biophysics, pathology, pharmacology, physiology and clinical medicine and surgery - but the pharmaceutical industry and the veterinary and physical sciences and mathematics are also represented.
The aim of this meeting on ‘Imaging the Microcirculation’ is to bring together engineers, physicists, computer scientists with an interest in imaging the microcirculation with those in the life and human sciences in order to develop the reciprocal understanding of technology developments and future requirements. This cross-disciplinary approach is key in bringing about ground breaking change in the imaging of the microcirculation and therefore moving the field of microcirculation forwards.
The symposium will bring together those who develop and use imaging techniques to study the microcirculation. The symposium will showcase a number of currently used, cutting edge and developing technologies and methodologies for imaging the microcirculation. It will demonstrate both their clinical/life-science applications.