Wood Street Mission Christmas Project 2014
05 Jan 2015
Thank you for the generous donations of toys, food and financial donations towards this year’s Christmas Project
Once again this was a really a bumper collection from the University of Manchester and the amount of work involved by those organising the donations and collections is greatly appreciated. Please pass on our thanks to everyone who was involved and who made donations to the 2013 appeal. We understand that at least four van loads of donations were delivered to Wood Street Mission.
In addition to gifts of toys appropriate to each age group, each parcel also includes at least one book to read as well. This is part of their ongoing commitment to encourage children to engage in reading. They also gave each family a food hamper to help them through the Christmas period. This was packed with a variety of items to help the families provide a range of nutritional meals for the whole family throughout the extended Christmas holidays. The number of local families referred to them this year for help this Christmas has increased and the parcels have been distributed to the families in plenty of time for Christmas.
Wood Street Mission continue to support families throughout the year with clothing parcels, baby equipment, bedding and Easter Eggs as well as offering a school uniform package at the beginning of the school year. In these difficult economic times more and more families are struggling to provide basic items for their children and they are faced with increasing demands for their services with diminishing levels of donations. This is why they are grateful for the support they receive all year from the members of staff at the University of Manchester.
Our thanks also go to the members of staff in Central Stores, Goods Receiving (Sackville Street Campus) for the collection of donations from around the University and for ensuring that they were ready on time for delivery to Wood Street Mission. Our thanks also go to the members of staff in the Postroom John Owens Building for delivering individual donations to Central Stores.
Muriel Shingler (Mrs.)
Rose Underwood (Mrs.) BSc