Free staff-only 5-aside tournament with Sporticipate
19 Dec 2014
Pilot programme to bring staff together
SPORT Manchester’s new sport and activity program, ‘Sporticipate’, will be holding a free staff-only 5-aside football tournament at the Sugden Centre on Wednesday, 14 January 2015, from 5pm-7pm.
This is a pilot for a scheme of staff sport that we are hoping to run, the first in what will hopefully be a long line of events aimed directly at staff members of our University.
We are a huge community of people who work together and it is about time that we get to know our colleagues from different departments in a friendly atmosphere. Professors, Lecturers, Administration, Careers, Admissions, Security, everyone is welcome to come along and play some fun, easy-going sport.
Come as a team from your department, with a few friends, or on your own.
If you are interested just turn up on the day or fill in your details on:
If you have any questions about this event, or the Sporticipate weekly program, visit:
If this is popular, there may be provision for other tournaments and other sports to be offered at a later date.
If you have thoughts or ideas about staff sport, contact:
- come into the Sport Office