Unit Surveys to launch next week
26 Nov 2014
This coming Monday (1 December) will see the launch of the Semester 1 Unit surveys, which are sent to all undergraduate and postgraduate taught students as part of the University's commitment to listen to students, as outlined in our 2020 Vision
The results are used to seek annual improvements in students’ experience and satisfaction with the units they study at Manchester. The surveys invite students to say how far they agree or disagree with a number of statements in addition to free text responses to questions about the unit and the lecturer, for every unit they study. Schools have already been invited to add School-specific questions.
Surveys are completed either online or on paper, depending on each School’s preference. The online surveys will be available to students through Blackboard and the paper versions will be distributed during lectures and seminars.
Your help in supporting students to complete their Unit Surveys is key – you can do this by advertising the opportunity to give feedback (and the positive impact previous surveys have made), answering any queries about the process and encouraging completion.
These surveys supply us with honest, anonymous feedback which helps us to improve our teaching standards throughout the Institution. Your help in delivering them is greatly appreciated.
You can access the range of promotional materials that have been created to help you communicate the survey to students by emailing unitsurveys@manchester.ac.uk.
Further information
If you have any queries:
- email unitsurveys@manchester.ac.uk
or - Visit TLSO