Proposed changes to the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS)
14 Oct 2014
The University has received further details about proposed changes designed to ensure the sustainability of USS
Information for members of USS (members of the University of Manchester Superannuation Scheme, UMSS, are not affected)
The employers have finalised proposals for changes to USS which will be submitted to the Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) of USS later this autumn.
The JNC must consider any proposals for changes to USS. If agreement on changes is made by the JNC, these proposals will then be considered by the USS Trustee Board. The JNC consists of an equal number of employer and UCU representatives with an external independent Chair; the employers are committed to continuing dialogue with our UCU colleagues in the period leading up to the JNC decision on future scheme benefits changes.
Once that decision is made, and before any changes are implemented, we, as your employer, will consult with you about the scheme changes which have been proposed by the JNC.
Your views in that consultation will be sought and taken into account by the USS Trustee Board before any final decision is made.
For further information about the proposed changes visit: