Dementia Research at Manchester: from Cell to Society
13 May 2014
On Thursday, 26 June (9.30am - 4.30pm) in Lecture Theatre A, Zochonis Building
Cross-faculty research day from the Centre for Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience, Alzheimer’s Research UK and MICRA
- A showcase exploring the breadth and potential of research on neurodegeneration and dementia at Manchester.
- Aims to give researchers from any discipline a flavour of what’s going on, the available resources and potential for collaboration
- Accessible presentations designed for non-specialists focused on the vision and opportunities offered by this breadth of expertise and activity
- Presentation from Manchester City Council/ NHS on the city's dementia strategy and opportunities for involvement
- Better enable researchers to apply for interdisciplinary large grants
- Facilitated networking and launch of dementia and neurodegeneration research community and associated listserv
- Identification of opportunities for follow-on workshops
- University of Manchester academics with an interest in dementia and neurodegeneration from any discipline (EPS, FLS, Humanities and MHS)
- Manchester Academic Health Science Centre (MAHSC) partners
- Invited guests
Speakers (more to be confirmed)
- Chair Professor Daniela Montaldi (cognitive and clinical neuroscience)
- Professor Stuart Pickering-Brown (the genetics of dementia)
- Professor Nigel Hooper (cell mechanisms and dementia)
- Professor John Keady (dementia neighbourhoods, mental health and nursing)
- Professor James Nazroo (sociological aspects of dementia)
- Dr Alex Gerhard (neurology and imaging in dementia)
- Professor David Mann (brain bank facilities)
- Representatives from Manchester City Council/ NHS
9-9.30am | Registration |
9.30-9.50am | Introduction and overview |
9.50-11.05am | Cell - vision and opportunities |
11.05-11.35am | Coffee and networking |
11.35am-12.50pm | Society - vision and opportunities |
12.50-1.50pm | Lunch and networking |
1.50-2.10pm | City's dementia strategy - Manchester City Council/ NHS |
2.10-3.25pm | Cognition - vision and opportunities |
3.25-4pm | Summary, follow on opportunities and next steps |
4-4.30pm | Coffee and networking |
We would encourage you to attend the whole day to maximise your understanding of research and opportunities across the disciplines. Future large grant calls are expected to focus on interdisciplinary working.
Further information
- Contact Jo Garsden, Institute Manager MICRA, at or 0161 275 1298
or - Visit MICRA