Book now for the November HEI Seminar on alumni relations
12 Nov 2013
'From periphery to core – engaging donors and alumni behind the University’s priority goals' on 22 November (12.30-1.45pm) in Kanaris Lecture Theatre, Floor 2, Manchester Museum.
Not so long ago an alumni relations programme was a ‘nice to have’ for universities such as Manchester; organise some nice events, send out a decent magazine, and now and again something positive might flow into the University. Things have changed drastically over the last decade in terms of the external environment, accelerated further by the new fee regime.
The University has invested significantly in an expanded development and alumni function since 2011, linked to heightened expectations at School, Faculty and University level. We now need to engage alumni in personalised, meaningful ways to boost recruitment, student experience and employability, while also ensuring that they help us broadcast key messages about the University worldwide in a highly competitive environment. And we are committed to rapidly increasing the number of our philanthropic supporters at all levels, and raising their sights to back our ambitions, linked to stretching financial targets. Donors and philanthropists help us take key strategic priorities forward, from deep-seated student scholarship programmes for less privileged students, through to research programmes to address global issues, and the new campus development programme.
This session will outline progress made over the last few years, and summarise emerging plans for the next five years, as a basis for discussion and to give colleagues the chance to shape emerging ideas and share thoughts and ideas.
Refreshments will be available to start from 12.15pm.
To book a place on the course, please register online at:
If you experience any problems with the online booking system, please contact:
-, quoting ‘TBF50’: Higher Education Institution Seminar’ in the subject line