Free event: Diving into the data pool: exploring how medical data is shared
23 Oct 2013
Free event on Thursday, 31 October (6pm – 7.30pm) in Kanaris Theatre, Manchester Museum
Every time you search the web, travel or visit your GP you generate huge amounts of data, which can then be analysed for marketing and research. Most of us accept this as part of modern life, but how do we feel about our medical data being used in a similar way?
Nowgen is organising an event during Manchester Science Festival to explore how openly society wants medical data to be shared. Your views will be fed back to the Nuffield Council on Bioethics enquiry into ‘big data’ Nuffield Bioethics biological and health data
Medical data is a powerful tool for biomedical research, but are there implications for privacy, consent and the relationship between individuals and society? Share your views on this controversial subject and discuss the value and challenges of sharing medical information with Manchester’s leading ‘big data’ experts.
- Professor Andy Brass (School of Computer Science, The University of Manchester)
- Dr Sarah Devaney (School of Law, The University of Manchester)
- Dr Mark Duman (Patient Information Forum)
- Chaired by Dr Bella Starling from Nowgen
This event is suitable for anyone aged 14+.
Strongly recommended - book online at: