Library Spaces FAQs
Find out the answers to frequently asked questions about our Library spaces here.
How can I check the progress of an issue?
You can view the progress or check if an issue has already been reported by visiting the Estate Helpdesk webpage. Filter your search by various options, including building (select Precinct Centre 2 for Crawford House).
More details are available on the Library intranet Spaces page.
Who should I contact for cleaning issues?
For general cleaning issues, contact the building's House Services team. If you have a concern regarding the John Rylands Library, reach out to the Facilities team.
What should I do if an issue hasn't been addressed?
If an issue remains unresolved after a reasonable timeframe, please email the Acting Library Spaces Coordinator, Finn Hobin, who will escalate the matter to the Estates Liaison Officer.
Detailed information is available on the Library Spaces intranet page.
How do I request furniture removal?
- Fit for purpose: Email the Acting Library Spaces Coordinator, Finn Hobin, who will coordinate with the Furniture Store and the Estate Liaison Officer.
- Not fit for purpose: Contact Finn Hobin for advice who will liaise with Simon Atkinson (Waste Coordinator) within three working days to arrange removal.
What should I do if I have heating issues?
Report any temperature-related issues in your workspace by following the instructions under Report an issue (Estates Helpdesk).
Who do I contact about staff lockers?
Report any issues related to staff lockers directly to the Library Spaces Representative, Michael Stevenson.
How can I get help moving larger items?
For assistance with moving larger items, contact the Acting Library Spaces Coordinator, Finn Hobin. The Stock Operations team are only available for moving books.
How do I report an issue?
All Library colleagues are responsible for reporting issues. If you find or are made aware of an issue, you should address it if safe to do so or report it via the Estates Helpdesk.
More information is on the Library intranet Spaces page.
How can I request significant updates or changes to spaces?
Complete and submit a 'spaces and tech request' form.
More information can be found on the Library intranet Spaces page.
What should I do if I need new furniture or office improvements?
Check the Furniture4Reuse store for suitable items. If none are available, the Library Spaces Coordinator will check for availability across the University and, if necessary, obtain a quote for new furniture.
Who conducts spaces checks in staff and student areas?
- Staff areas: Checks are conducted by the Library Staff Spaces Representative, Michael Stevenson.
- Student areas: Customer Services colleagues perform frequent checks, reporting any issues via the Estates Helpdesk.
Key contacts and resources:
- Finn Hobin- Acting Library Spaces Coordinator
- Natalie Patton - Assistant Customer Services Manager (Spaces)
- Michael Stevenson - Library Staff Spaces Represenative
- JRRI Facilities team - x66520
- House Services - x58717
- Library intranet Spaces page