Please ensure that the requisition process is followed before committing the Library to expenditure.
How to buy goods and services
- Whilst the University's approved suppliers are to be used in the first instance for all purchases, it may be that there are instances where we need to engage another supplier. Please contact the Library Admin Team for advice.
- Unless there is a designated requisitioner in your area, please send all requests for goods and services by email to
- Please ensure that the relevant budget holder is aware of any requests.
- On receipt of any goods, please ensure that you notify
Credit cards Purchases
- Please contact the Library Admin Team to discuss these in the first instance.
- For all agreed purchases up to £1,000, you will need to complete the Expenditure Request Form (Word). This form needs to have email approval from the budget holder.
- Please send the form and approval by email to
- All general stationery requests (including photocopying paper) should be directed to Pamela Morris in the first instance.
- All computer consumables requests (including printer toners, USB flashdrives/memory sticks) should be directed to 'Connect'
- There are separate Catering Guidelines.
Budget Holders
Budget Holders will approve expenditure and be responsible for reviewing at month end the full income and expenditure statement (including content, pay and non-pay) for their activity and the comparison against the budget.
VAT field on Oracle
Oracle will no longer allow a requisition to be processed if the VAT is 'free typed' and the requisition will have to be cancelled and re-raised if this happens. Copying old orders may result in the requisition not being processed and you are advised not to do this.
This should prevent the tax code defaulting to 'standard' on VAT exempt items and ensure that subsequent invoices issued by suppliers are correct.