Environmental Information Regulations
The Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) does NOT cover requests for environmental information. These requests are dealt with under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. Unlike the FOI Act, requests may be made verbally as well as in written form.
The definition of what constitutes environmental information is very broad and includes such things as:
- the state of the environment and factors affecting the environment
- radioactive waste
- noise
- building developments
- measures such as policies, legislation (including reports on the implementation of environmental legislation).
As with FOI, there will usually be 20 working days to handle the request, but there is a different set of exceptions/exemptions that it might be possible to apply when it is not appropriate for the University to release the information.
Further Guidance
Advice and guidance on the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 can be obtained from the Information Governance Office at:
Information Governance Office
G7 Christie Building
The University of Manchester
Oxford Road
M13 9PL
Tel: +44(0)161 275 7789
Email: information.governance@manchester.ac.uk