Welcome and induction
Key contact: Student Success & Development Officer.
All new and returning UG and PGT students should receive an extended and tailored period of Welcome, induction and transition activities.
- Key dates can be found here for the Welcome, Induction and Transition period.
Welcome and Induction Framework for UG and PGT Students
The Welcome and Induction Framework is intended to enable colleagues to plan and deliver the aims of School and programme Welcome:
- To build on University Welcome activities and provide students with the School and Programme level information they need, at the appropriate times; and
- To generate a sense of community that engages students in their programme, School and the wider University
This Faculty Framework is maintained collaboratively with the Humanities Welcome, Induction and Transition (WIT) group.
It contains a number of links to resources that assist in the planning and operation of activities. Further links to useful University wide information and ideas can be found in the additional resources section below.
University Level Welcome and Induction Activities
All Welcome and induction activity delivered at School and programme level needs to complement and build on what has been provided as part of the University Welcome activities.
The Faculty Welcome and Induction Framework should be considered alongside the University Welcome and Induction guidance for Schools. A draft document can be found here that outlines the minimum and consistent offer of activities by schools which may be delivered during the University Welcome weeks for both new and returning students as well as suggestions for what could be covered during the School led Welcome periods and when these could take place. Please note that it is for Schools to determine their activities and timetable, the suggestions provided are for guidance only.
The key contact for central Welcome activities is Lindsay Gilbert, University Success and Development Manager.
The University Welcome webpages for new students coming to Manchester are now live and these will be updated as details are confirmed. The University Student Communications team have also drafted a communications plan for new and returning students.
Humanities Welcome Group
This group exists to:
- Encourage a collaborative and joined-up approach to delivering School Welcome activities;
- Ensure plans for Welcome fit with and follow on effectively from University level activities and to maintain close links with the relevant University and Faculty groups; and
- To maintain a Framework which details a shared approach and outlines activities for Schools to deliver during Welcome
- Faculty Student Success and Development Officer
- Faculty Scheduling and Projects Officer
- Faculty Student Communications Officer and Coordinators
- School Student Support and Development Officers and Coordinators
- Faculty TLSE Administrator
Further information is available on the Teams space .
Key Contacts for Activities
Humanities WIT Group
- Colin Gorman, Student Success & Development Officer
eLearning - support with online teaching and technical queries
Careers Service - input during Welcome and induction
Student Wellbeing - resources and support
- studentsupport@manchester.ac.uk
- Information on supporting students for staff
- Student-facing information on support available
Peer Support - PASS and Peer Mentoring schemes
My Learning Essentials – ‘Get Started’ resources and Library-led contributions to School Welcome activity
Students’ Union societies and Welcome activity
- University College for Interdisciplinary Learning (UCIL) universitycollege@manchester.ac.uk
- Information for staff on UCIL
- Volunteering & Community Engagementvolunteers@manchester.ac.uk
- Information for staff on Volunteering
- Ethical Grand Challenges egc@manchester.ac.uk
Ethical Grand Challenges
Please contact egc@manchester.ac.uk with any questions about the Challenges.
Further information can be found on the Ethical Grand Challenges webpage.
Additional resources
In addition to the Faculty’s Framework for Welcome and induction activity, find below links to additional resources to enhance School Welcome events and information shared with students.
- University Welcome page for students – The central page for students coming to Manchester in September.
- Student support resources – Ready-made activities, resources and other collateral for you to share with students.
- Supporting students: a resource for academic and PS staff – Information on support services and other guidance for staff working with students.
- Academic Success Programme – The University Centre for Academic English has workshops and online materials for UG and PGT students to support Academic English skills.
Page last updated December 2024. Contact the Faculty Team if you have any questions or to advise on any errors.