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Staff Awards

The Faculty run a number of awards to recognise excellence in teaching and professional services.

Outstanding Staff Award visual

Outstanding Staff Awards

The Faculty has an award scheme which recognises outstanding staff contributions in the areas below. Staff are nominated by students for these awards.

For 2018-19, the scheme opened in December  and closed on 10 May 2019. Nomination was via the Outstanding Staff Awards survey.


The winners of the award for 2018-19 were:

Outstanding Teaching Award

  • Patricia Perlman-Dee (AMBS)
  • Andrew Boakye (SALC)
  • Selma Carson (SEED)
  • Neil Cobb (Law)
  • Veronique Pin-Fat (SoSS)

Outstanding Professional Services (PS) Award

  • Kate Robinson (SEED)
  • Jackie Boardman (Law)
  • Philippa Wilson (SoSS)

Outstanding Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Award 

  • Ali Owrak (AMBS)
  • Ana Nino (SALC)
  • Ralph Becker (SoSS)

Congratulations to the winners, and all those who were nominated.

Award criteria

A. Outstanding Teaching Award (includes TAs)
Does your teacher inspire you to learn and do your best? We are looking to recognise and celebrate those teaching staff who consistently provide a well-organised course that is taught effectively and supported through high-quality assessment and feedback.  We want to know who engages and challenges you in a supportive manner and motivates you to learn.

B. Outstanding Supervisor Award
Has your supervisor had a significant, positive impact on your experience of undertaking your dissertation (or long essay or research project) through their support, guidance and advice?  We are looking to recognise and celebrate those supervisors who have been approachable and offered you exemplary advice and support to develop your skills as an independent researcher.  Your supervisor will have challenged you and inspired you in your independent thinking and learning, encouraging you to develop your own lines of enquiry and think critically about your work.

C. Outstanding Professional Services (PS) Staff Award
Is there a member of staff, not directly involved in teaching, who has positively contributed to your experience as a student? We are looking to recognise and celebrate members of staff who are helpful and supportive with a positive attitude, who demonstrate exceptional care or assistance towards students. They may have helped you or fellow students through a difficult academic or pastoral situation or they may have gone ‘the extra mile’ to ensure an issue has been effectively resolved.

D Outstanding Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) Award (this replaces the previous Best on Blackboard award)
Is there somebody who has particularly engaged you through effective use of technology? Have you seen or experienced a particularly innovative use of teaching techniques, of assessment tasks or of learning materials that, supported by educational technologies, has spurred your learning or your engagement on the subject matter? We like to celebrate that ‘best’ use of technology. Know about those individuals who, in your experience, have mastered peer/interactive/collaborative learning online, multimedia for learning and/or who have effectively integrated technology in learning/assessment in a way that has challenged but enhanced your digital skills.

Teaching Awards

The Faculty supports a range of awards to recognise excellence in teaching. The schemes listed below are all University-coordinated, annual award schemes.

  • Information on the Faculty's Awards and Scholarships for registered students can be found on the Awards and Scholarships page.

Teaching Excellence Awards (TEA)

The Teaching Excellence Awards are an internal award made to academic and support staff members who have been nominated by their schools and faculties, and who have demonstrated a sustained and significant to teaching excellence over a number of years. Further information, guidance and profiles of past winners can be found on the University's Teaching and Learning Support Office (TLSO) website

Previous Winners - Faculty of Humanities


  • Dr Claire Fox, School of Law


  • Kostas Arvanitis, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures


  • Gemma Edwards, School of Social Sciences


  • John Pal, Manchester Business School


  • Dr Mark Brown, School of Social Sciences (CCSR)
  • Ms Annie Morton, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures
  • A Commendation was given to Dr Andrew Whitworth, School of Education


  • Dr Veronique Pin-Fat, School of Social Sciences
  • Dr Anna Goatman, Manchester Business School
  • Commendations were also given to Dr Adam Ozanne (SoSS), Dr Danielle Lyssimachou (MBS), Dr Rebecca Bennet (Law), Dr Liza Alentaeva (LLC)
  • Dr Andrew Russell, School of Social Sciences
  • Dr Ralf Becker, School of Social Sciences


  • Dr Jerome De Groot, School of Arts, Histories and Cultures
  • Dr Guyda Armstrong, Languages, Linguistics and Cultures

The National Teaching Fellowships Scheme (NTFS)

The NTF scheme is an external award scheme coordinated by the Higher Education Academy. The University can nominate up to three candidates each year. NTF candidates should have an excellent track record in teaching and learning with a national and international reputation.

This scheme is co-ordinated internally by the University's Teaching and Learning Support Office (TLSO). Full details of annual timescales and details on how potential candidate can express their interest can be found in the downloadable Teaching Awards Guidance document available on the Teaching and Learning Support Office website.

The University of Manchester Distinguished Achievement Awards (DAA) - Teacher of the Year

Each year the President and Vice-Chancellor invites Faculties (via the Vice-President and Deans) to nominate one individual in each of the following four categories: Teacher of the Year, Researcher of the Year, UG Student of the Year, and General Distinguished Achievement Award. 

The Teacher of the Year awards are made to individuals whose teaching over the past year has been outstanding. Each nominee will demonstrate an ability to communicate ideas effectively, be able to motivate and stimulate students to learn, whilst at the same time showing a commitment to innovation and excellence in education. All nominations must be supported by the relevant Dean.

The scheme is coordinated by the Secretary of the Awards and Honours Group who is based in the Office of the President and Vice-Chancellor.  Calls for nominations go out in November of each year. The awards are presented by the President and Vice-Chancellor at a special ceremony for winners in all of the categories in June of the following year.

Previous Winners - Faculty of Humanities

  • 2017: Mr Nick Shryane, School of Social Sciences
  • 2016: Dr Peter Backus, School of Social Sciences
  • 2015: Dr Paul Dewick, Alliance Manchester Business School
  • 2014: Dr Paul Dewick, Manchester Business School
  • 2013: Dr Paul Middleditch, School of Social Sciences
  • 2012: Dr David Butler, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures
  • 2011: Dr Rachel Platonov, School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures
  • 2010: Dr Nuria Yanez-Bouza, School of Languages, Linguistics and Cultures