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Current participants

Please direct all queries to the Programme Co-ordinator at Alternatively, consult the HNAP Frequently Asked Questions page.


New participants are enroled on the programme in advance by their Head of School Administration. Participants will be sent an enrolment form by their school which they should complete and return to the HNAP Administrator as soon as possible.


Unless formally exempt from attending (see below); participants must attend all of the required mandatory units in order to complete the programme. Participants who cannot attend a training session due to illness should inform the Programme Co-ordinator at the email address above.


For participants who can provide evidence of previous training or significant experience, their Head of School or other designated individual, will be able to propose an exemption from specific units of the programme. Staff should discuss their existing experience and qualifications with the relevant responsible individual in their School to determine if an exemption is appropriate. This discussion should take place close to the time of starting the programme so that it is clear from the start what is expected of a new member of staff. A complete list of the units for which exemption can be requested can be found on pages 7 and 8 of the current programme handbook.

Exemption forms are to be approved and signed by the Head of School and then sent to the HNAP Programme Co-ordinator who will arrange for the final approval. Please send forms in hard copy to Ewan Hannah, Room G27 Crawford House, Faculty of Humanities, or by email as PDF scans to

Returning participants

Successful completion of the programme requires:

  • Attendance of and participation in all units
  • Submission of the HNAP portfolio of assessments

Participants should submit the portfolio only after having attended all of the required units. 
Participants who have been granted exemption from HNAP units need only attend and submit a portfolio for those they are not exempt from.

If a participant is unable to attend a unit for any reason, they will have the opportunity to do so when it is delivered during the following year's programme or where alternative scheduling is available. Returning participants are responsible for keeping a note of the units they still need to attend. The detailed timetable for the programme is included in the handbook, which is updated yearly and sent by email to all HNAP participants. It is the responsibility of returning participants to ensure that they check the programme handbook to ascertain the scheduling of any units not yet attended.

Participants who cannot attend a training session due to illness, or for any other reason, should inform the Programme Co-ordinator at the email address above as soon as possible.