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Frequently asked questions

"When can I submit my portfolio of assignments for marking?"

You can only submit your portfolio after you have attended all of the required teaching sessions - including unit TMS9 (see note below). If you submit your portfolio before attending all of the teaching, it will not be accepted for marking.

"How do I access the HNAP material on Blackboard 9?"

To arrange access, you need to send your University login name to Ewan Hannah at the email address above. Ewan will forward it to the eLearning staff with a request that you are given access to the HNAP material on Blackboard 9.

"I have access to HNAP on Blackboard 9, but it's not listed in my courses. Where can I find it?"

The link to the HNAP material is found under the heading "Organisations where you are the participant" in the "My Communities" box situated beneath the "Course List" box.

"Can I be exempt from the programme?"

Exemptions will be considered for certain course units for those staff with PGCE (Higher Education), Masters or Doctoral Degrees in Education, formal teaching qualifications in Higher Education, or who are already Fellows or Associate Fellows of the HEA. Those staff on teaching focussed contracts may be exempt from the research centred components (except Supervisor Awareness training). All exemption requests must be accompanied by supporting documentation. More detailed information on the exemption process can be found in the programme handbook which can be found in the menu on the left.

"Is my teaching and administration workload reduced while I'm taking HNAP and on probation?"

The University's policy on probation states that "satisfactory completion of this programme is normally required as part of the probationary process. The allocation of duties and time … should ensure that the probationer has time to participate in the New Academics Programme".

The same document stipulates reduced teaching and administrative workloads for probationary staff. The amount of the reduction varies from school to school, so please consult your Head of School regarding your workload.

"I'm not on probation. Can I still join the programme?"

Priority of enrolment is given to those staff who must complete the programme as a requirement of their probation period. Requests to join the programme from staff who are not required to complete it will be considered if numbers allow. Requests to enrol in the programme should be sent to Ewan Hannah.

"I can't attend seminars on a certain date. What can I do about this?"

If you miss a seminar, you can take it during the following year's programme. However, you are expected to complete the programme within a maximum of 3 years and should make every effort to attend seminars in a timely manner. Seminars are held once during the academic year and are not repeated until the next programme.

"I've missed a seminar - will it take place at the same time next year?"

Generally, seminars are held during the same periods each academic year. However, this cannot be guaranteed. Please always check the current timetable, or if in doubt, contact Ewan Hannah for advice.

"How can I check my attendance record?"

You can request a copy of your individual attendance record from Ewan Hannah at the email address above. If you began the programme after 01 September 2013, you can access the attendance spreadsheet for your year on the HNAP Blackboard page.

"I can't find unit TMS9 on the Training Catalogue"

Unit TMS9,"Training in Equality and Diversity Issues",  is organised and delivered by Staff Learning and Development and is compulsory for all new teaching staff, regardless of NAP status. It is not delivered during the HNAP training blocks, but regular monthly sessions are held by Staff Learning and Development during the academic year.

**PLEASE NOTE: TMS9 is not the same as TMS5D or the Diversity in the Workplace module.**

NB - from 1 September 2017, Staff Learning and Development will replace face-to-face delivery of this unit with 2 online modules.

"What is the timetable for the programme and when are seminars run?"

Full timetable details are published during the summer leading up to the start of the programme. They will be sent to participants by email, and are also included in the programme handbook, which will also be sent to participants in advance. Generally, the timetable remains the same from year to year, but it can never be guaranteed that individual seminars will take place on the same days from one year to another. 

The 2017/2018 teaching blocks will take place on the following dates:

Block 1:

  • Tuesday 12/09/17
  • Wednesday 13/09/17
  • Thursday 14/09/17

Block 2:

  • Tuesday 31/10/17
  • Wednesday 01/11/17

Block 3:

  • Tuesday 09/01/18
  • Wednesday 10/01/18