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2019-20 Awarded Project

 The 2019-20 round of the Humanities Innovation in Teaching (HIT) scheme is underway. A total of five projects were awarded funding but a number of them have had to be put on hold due to COVID-19 outbreak.

The HIT 2019-20 scheme supports themes ranging from assessment and feedback, online learning, virtual reality, and student live broadcasting.

Digitally mapping student learning journeys for formative/summative assessment led by Amanda Banks Gatenby, is developing a mobile platform that supports students mapping learning experiences and integrating formative/summative assessment opportunities. This digital tool will allow students to visualise student journeys across a whole programme of study and encourage making connections between unit topics. The project will employ participatory design methodologies with interested students. 

See eNews article

Humanities Student Broadcasts lead by Mike O’Donogue is on hold while campus remains closed. The project will create a series of six online broadcasts which students and staff can access in real time (synchronously) and on-demand (asynchronously). Each broadcast will be of a platform permitting contemporary themes, issues and projects on teaching, learning and assessment to be presented and discussed across the Faculty and institution. Each broadcast will be staffed by students selected to participate from across Humanities. The project is inclusive of the themes of employability, developing students’ digital skills, sharing and celebrating best practice, student engagement on contemporary education issues, and the adoption and promotion of models of digital learning to enhance teaching, learning and assessment. Click here for more information.

Improving Student Engagement with Online Feedback, led by Dan Rigby, Ralf Becker is currently paused by departs from acknowledging that although considerable effort has been made to improve the quality and quantity of feedback staff provide particular in coursework assessment, we have little information on students’ rates of viewing the feedback they receive on their online coursework. The project will seek to develop technical solutions that will assist in the identification of the characteristics of students who are not viewing their feedback and testing interventions to induce that engagement.

The Using Digital and VR objects in teaching learning and assessment encompasses three project piloting 3D video and 3D scanning in Egyptology, Museology and Geography. As previous projects, the project has been suspended until campus opens.

Creative Manchester Producer School, led by Abi Gilmore has also been put on pause but will devise, design and create digital learning materials for the forthcoming summer school in Creative Producing, led by the Institute for Cultural Practices (ICP) as part of Creative Manchester. The online materials will also form the basis of CPD and executive education activities delivered by ICP in partnership with others in the School and across the Faculty.

HiT Projects 2019-20