Canvas, Blackboard and eLearning
The Blackboard Learning System is currently the University's supported web-based virtual learning environment, until the end of the current academic year. Thereafter, from September 2025, the University is moving to Canvas by Instructure.
Both platforms support a range of online teaching, learning and assessment styles and add value to students learning. Canvas brings with it a range of additional functions and features and will provide a more robust and consistent learning environment for students. For more information visit the Canvas page on Staffnet.
As with Blackboard, Canvas will be integrated with Campus Solutions, the University's Student Record System. This integration means that when a course unit is 'flagged' in Campus Solutions the students will be automatically enrolled onto the Learning Environment and can access their course online.
As a Teaching Assistant, you may be given access to the Blackboard system (via Campus Solutions) in order to assist with online teaching, and ahead of Start of Year 2025, you will be given access to Canvas instead. The role you are given (e.g. currently 'Teaching Assistant' or 'Primary Instructor') may have different rights. If you need to have the same rights as the course unit leader to upload files to the Blackboard space you may need to have 'Primary Instructor' rights. The roles in Canvas will be implemented in due course, and will be slightly different.
The Faculty eLearning Team can be contacted via the eLearning Support Page, or by telephoning the IT Services service desk on 65544. The Humanities Teaching Academy has information about Faculty training, including Canvas training, blended learning examples and interactive resources.