Documents and policies
This page provides a list of links to important Faculty and University documents and policies, which may be of interest to teaching assistants.
- Faculty of Humanities Teaching Assistant Policy
- MDSCG and ITL Guidance on GTAs and PGRS
- Teaching Assistant Statement of Terms and Conditions
- Teaching Assistant Letter of Intent/Appointment (Example)
- Teaching Assistant Job Description (Example)
- Equality and Diversity Policy (University Policy)
- Conduct and Discipline of Students (University Regulation)
- Procedure for Handling Academic Malpractice Cases
- Disability Support Office website
- About Confidentiality (IP Awareness Resource)
- Dignity at Work and Study - Procedure for Staff
- Academic Appeals Regulation (Regulation XIX)
- Student Complaints Procedure (Regulation XVIII)
Teaching and learning policies and procedures
The documents list in the policy and guidance section contains links to general Faculty of Humanities policies and procedures on teaching and learning.
University documents related to teaching and learning can be found on the Manual of Academic Procedures on the Teaching and Learning Support Office website.
General University policies
Other University policies and procedures affecting staff and students can be found via StaffNet or on My Manchester for students.