Humanities New Academics Programme (HNAP)
The Humanities New Academics Programme (HNAP) is a professional development programme for academics who join the Faculty of Humanities. It provides the opportunity to deepen and broaden the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in an academic career. It is a mandatory course delivered as a blended programme with four on-campus taught days.
From September 2024, HNAP is changing. Please read the latest information below.
Enrolment to HNAP is via School.
Participants will receive their joining information when their School registers them. If you believe you should have been registered on HNAP but have not received your joining information, please email
There is an information session for Schools on 5 September at 11am. Email hnap@manchester to request an invitation.
If you are already enrolled on HNAP
If you are already enrolled on HNAP, you should have been contacted to discuss your options. This advice is tailored to individuals based on how much of the current programme they have completed.
If you require any clarification on your programme status, please get in touch with
If you are not yet enrolled or you have been advised to transfer on to the new HNAP
From September 2024, HNAP will be taught in cohorts as a blended programme. Participants must select a cohort to join and attend four on-campus taught days.
On-campus cohort days
On-campus cohort days run from 10 am – 3.30 pm
2024/25 | Cohort 1 | Cohort 2 |
Day 1 | Friday, 13 September | Friday, 24 January |
Day 2 | Thursday, 23 January | Tuesday, 13 May |
Day 3 | Wednesday, 14 May | Wednesday, 17 September |
Day 4 | Thursday, 18 September | Thursday, 29 January 2026 |
2026/27 | Cohort 1 | Cohort 2 |
Day 1 | Wednesday, 28 January 2026 | Wednesday, 20 May 2026 |
Day 2 | Thursday, 21 May 2026 | September 2026 |
Day 3 | September 2026 | January 2027 |
Day 4 | January 2027 | May 2027 |
Participants will be emailed with joining instructions two weeks before each on-campus cohort day.
HNAP and fellowship of Advance HE
Before September 2024, Advance HE accredited HNAP. This meant that passing HNAP came with an award of fellowship on Advance HE. Fellowship is an internationally accepted standard that demonstrates a fellow has the knowledge, skills, and values required for effective teaching and supporting students and their learning.
As of September 2024, The University of Manchester will change its process for awarding fellowship of Advance HE. HNAP has been designed to provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and evidence to create a robust fellowship application. However, a fellowship can only be awarded through its professional recognition scheme. Participants in HNAP will need to submit to the University of Manchester Advance HE Fellowship scheme. In the first year of the new arrangements, the HNAP teaching team will work with participants to determine the best way to support them with their fellowship application.
Who is HNAP for?
HNAP is for academics appointed on probationary contracts who are not yet a Fellow of Advance HE (this does not include Associate Fellowship).
School may choose to stipulate HNAP as a probationary requirement or recommend it to other newly appointed members of staff. Newly appointed academics who are not required to undertake HNAP may choose to attend and can do so when there is capacity in a cohort.
Academics appointed to probationary contracts who are already Fellows of Advance HE should discuss their professional development and induction requirements with their mentor or line manager.
What is involved in HNAP?
HNAP has been designed to support participants in broadening and deepening their understanding of key areas of academic practice. The programme emphasises effective learning for students. It includes the development of skills that span education, research, and citizenship, scholarship or research, internationalisation, and academic citizenship.
To pass HNAP, participants will need to:
- engage in the HNAP on-campus cohort days and with the online material;
- pass the HNAP assessment;
- be awarded Fellowship of Advance HE through the University’s accredited professional recognition programme.
Online material
HNAP is a blended programme with online material for participants to engage with. Participants will be enrolled in the HNAP Virtual Learning Environment.
HNAP assessment
HNAP assessment is designed to allow new academics to demonstrate the fundamental knowledge and skills that will enable them to fulfil their role.
Formative assessment
- A group presentation on an on-campus cohort day. The presentation should set out strategies for enhancing a particular area of education practice, including evidence from literature, peer or student feedback, and personal reflection. The HNAP tutor and peer group provide feedback.
- A short report on four post-session asynchronous tasks mapped to the PSF 2023. These must include evidence of PSF 2023 statements K5 (In your context, apply knowledge of requirements for quality assurance and enhancement and their implications for practice) and V4 (In your context, show how you respond to the wider context in which higher education operates, recognising impact on practice). The HNAP tutor and peer group provide feedback.
- A short report on a discussion with their mentor. Feedback from mentor.
Summative assessment
- A 15-minute recorded presentation which critically discusses the impact of an enhancement they have made to an area of their teaching. Written feedback from HNAP marker.
- Peer observation of teaching as an observer and as observed. Written feedback from HNAP marker.
There will be two assessment points a year for HNAP assessments when participants can submit their summative assessments.
Each summative assessment is marked, and feedback given against the published assessment criteria.
The possible marks are:
- not yet pass
- pass
- outstanding
Where an assessment does ‘not yet pass’, feedback will indicate the areas needed to improve to meet the passing standard. Those requiring minor amendments will be given a resubmission date of approximately two weeks later. Those requiring major amendments must submit at the next HNAP assessment submission date. All resubmissions must provide a cover letter indicating what changes have been made, highlighting previous feedback.
Passing HNAP is one element of probation.
To pass HNAP, participants will need to:
- Engage in the HNAP on-campus cohort days and with the online material
- Pass the HNAP assessment
- Be awarded Fellowship of Advance HE through the University’s accredited professional recognition programme.
For HNAP participants, each of these elements will either not yet be fulfilled or fulfilled. Once all elements are fulfilled, the participant will receive an acknowledgement that they have passed HNAP.
Quality assurance and review mechanisms
Evidence will be collected to inform an annual review of HNAP. This evidence will be collected from participants and Heads of Departments. The review will be published on the HNAP Staffnet page. If you wish to give additional feedback on the programme, please email