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CPD opportunities for academic staff in the Faculty of Humanities

University of Manchester resources

Provider Details Keywords
Talent Development Provide training and development sessions on a range of academic issues including leadership, data protection, research and recruitment. academic research management teaching technology 
HEI seminars A rolling programme which aims to provide insights into the running of the University management
HNAP Sessions devised specifically for new academics in Humanities academic research teaching
Researcher development Working alongside other teams to provide CPD for researchers at various stages of their careers academic research
Arts Methods A programme of talks, workshops and events which explore approaches to arts research, research methods and the dissemination of research. academic research
Methods@Manchester Research methods in Social Science related events academic research
Supervisor training Resources and events for supervisors research academic
eLearning training Training on technical and pedagogical aspects of incorporating technology into your teaching academic teaching technology
IT Services Training on University IT systems (including ePRog and LiveLink) and PC skills technology
CPD for academic staff Academic led courses and online resources covering a diverse range of professional development including leadership, peer review, mentoring, management, and IT academic research teaching management technology 
Library learning essentials Resources and workshops  predominantly for students however there are sessions that would also be of benefit to staff. The library also offer training to Schools where the open programme doesn’t cover the requirements. academic research
PG units in Manchester Institute of Education Education PG level units and Masters level programmes. academic teaching research
Online Healthcare Ethics and Law courses A range of short online courses. academic research
UoM MOOCS Open online courses. academic research
CMISR short courses The Cathie Marsh Institute for Social Research offers short courses covering all aspects of the research process from design, through to data collection and analysis. academic research
Institute of Teaching and Learning Supporting the University’s strategic aim to deliver teaching excellence.  

External links

Provider Details Keywords
JISC Provides links through to training providers for the HE sector. academic research teaching technology management
Higher Education Academy (HEA) Events, courses, toolkits, accreditation, knowledge base. academic research teaching management technology