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University initiatives

Useful documents

Student Checklist

Below is an example of a handy checklist for students to use to ensure that they have covered all of the essentials. The checklist can be copied and modified to suit your specific needs.

Induction Checklist

Below is an example of a handy 'Induction Checklist' which you can use to record when preparations for each induction-related activity has been completed. The checklist can be copied and modified to suit your particular needs.

Induction practice at the University of Manchester

School of Arts, Histories and Cultures

In addition to registering with the Subject Area and University, during the first week of the academic year all level 1 students participate in Welcome Week activities, which may include an introductory meeting within the Subject Area, an opportunity to meet with their Academic Adviser, attend introductory lectures and to meet with students from their own year and from other years on their degree programme.

School of Education

Students on the Management & Leisure Programme are taken on a field-trip prior to the start of the programme.

School of Environment & Development

In Geography students attend a pre-registration field course to Keswick in the Lake District immediately before Welcome Week. This is a residential field course of 1 ½ days' duration, involving a stay of two nights.

School of Languages, Linguistics & Cultures

Formal induction programmes are run for new undergraduate students which include an address to new students by the Head of School, an initial compulsory meeting with the students' academic adviser, and receptions in the student's particular discipline of study. 

Postgraduate students attend a compulsory induction programme; sessions are provided by the School's PGT Director and staff from the JRUL and Careers Service.  Students also have an opportunity to meet their Programme Director, fellow students and academic and administrative staff at a welcome reception.

School of Law

Students normally meet with their Academic Adviser during Welcome Week. A 'meet your mentor' day is also held.

Manchester Business School

MBA students attend a rigorous weekend induction where they meet the academic staff and fellow executives that will support them throughout the programme and can begin networking. Students find out everything they need to know about the courses and how they will be delivered.

MBS have developed a Welcome Booklet providing advice and tips for students to make the most of their University experience.

Virtual Open Day (VOD)

The VOD aims to aid the transition from school to university through providing a higher level of information, advice and guidance to prospective students. It aims to foster student identity through encouraging interaction between the School and its new first-year undergraduate students well in advance of Welcome Week. The resource is permanently available online.

The Homestart scheme

The Homestart scheme has been running in the Faculty of Life Sciences for the last six years and is now in the School of Medicine. The Scheme aims to offer a network of support to students who are not living in university accommodation during the first year of their course. It offers peer support and opportunities for 1st-year students to meet other students from local areas. The intention is to make the transition to University life less traumatic and has helped these areas with retention of students. 

Further information about the scheme can be found in the following document:


Both the faculties of Engineering & Physical Sciences and Life Sciences have used the external company UniSmart to deliver a presentation to their 1st year students during Welcome Week. The presentations cover a whole host of areas that are relevant to students making the transition to university e.g. leaving home; homesickness; making new friends; study habits; bullying; alcohol and other drugs etc. More detailed information is given in the Week 0 section of this Toolkit.

For further information about UniSmart and to watch a video of a presentation.

University Practice (added 21/06/11)

Practical suggestions on communication, relationships and belonging to a community that have been used successfully within the University can be found at:

Induction Practice in other Institutions

University College London (UCL) has a 'Transition Programme' which is a project that supports all new UCL students in adapting to university life, assisting first years in dealing with the social, academic and personal issues that are specific to UCL. 

Widening Participation project undertaken by Coventry University, University College Worcester and the University of Warwick has produced a study skills package for students containing information about moving on to Higher Education.  The package helps students to prepare for university. 

Background Documents and Further Reading

  • The University of Manchester's 'Framework on Induction and Transitional Support for Students'. See documents at Manchester, listed under I.
  • The University of Manchester's 'Report of the Working Group on Student Induction and Transitional Support'. See documents at Manchester, listed under I.
  • The University of Manchester's 'Framework on Induction and Transitional Support for Students based on an Exploration of Themes'. See documents at Manchester, listed under I.

The University of Manchester's Office of Student Support and Services has a dedicated webpage containing information and reports about projects that have been undertaken.

Useful Links

Student Support pages on StaffNet

The provision of high-quality advice and guidance is an important feature of a positive student experience.  The Student Support pages on StaffNet aim to give academic and support staff information on how to offer appropriate support to students.

Induction and Transitional Support pages on StaffNet

The University has also created some web pages on Induction and Transitional Support which offer practical suggestions that have been used successfully within the University to support students at the Induction stage and through the various transitions they experience.

By disseminating information about recently successful initiatives, the site intends to clarify the purpose and shape of induction and to help Schools design and implement more effective programmes for induction.