It may be worth providing students with reminders about the following items at certain points throughout the year. The links below refer back to fuller information elsewhere on the site.
There are symbols next to each item, which suggests methods by which students should be provided with the information. There is a key to the symbols below.
Key to symbols
- HB - handbook
- F2F - face-2-face
- web - -website
- PG - peer group meeting
- AA - Academic Adviser
- IC - in class
- BB - Blackboard
- TC - targeted communication
- CG - Crucial Guide
From first few weeks
- Assessment, what is expected, marking criteria etc (Hb, F2F, Web, AA, IC, BB)
- Plagiarism and Academic Malpractice e.g. collusion (Hb, F2F, Web, AA, IC, BB)
- Referencing and bibliographic requirements (Hb, F2F, Web, AA, IC, BB)
From weeks 1 to 2
- Feedback
Learning Support
From pre-arrival
- Language Centre (Remind students of the assistance the Centre can provide with study support / academic writing).
From week 0
- IT Services (F2F, AA, IC, TC)
- Student Guidance Service (F2F, AA, IC, TC)
- Student Portal (F2F, AA, IC, TC)
From first few weeks
- Careers Service/opportunities for further study (F2F, AA, IC, TC)
Provide reminder to students to keep their details updated, and with regard to s.2 course unit selection.
From pre-arrival.
- Study Skills support (F2F, AA, IC, TC)
Provide reminder of the website resource.
Remind students of the information around well-being services:
- Counselling Service
- Disability Support
- First Aid Cover in Buildings
- Nightline
- Occupational Health
- Police / safety / security
- Religious support