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Internally available results

Subject area results mapped to Schools, disciplines, and programmes in Humanities

1. NSS results are also reported within the institution based upon the internal school, discipline and programme structures.

2. If a subject area does not meet the 50% threshold, together with the 10 respondents minimum requirement, HEFCE will allow institutions to publish these results internally provided there are at least 10 respondents.  These results are given according to our own internal School, discipline and programme areas.  The dataset, therefore, would consist of the publicly available data plus this additional internally available data.

3. The University is given the opportunity to assign codes to the students who form the sample for the NSS.  We use our School and Discipline codes assigned to Campus Solutions (Level 3 and Level 4 respectively).  These are the codes assigned as the ‘owning’ School or discipline. In Humanities some Schools use the Level 3 code and multi-disciplinary Schools tend to use the Level 4 codes.

For example, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures = 3088, History is 4050

4. Every programme is assigned to an academic group in Campus Solutions (3xxx or 4xxx) which allocates them to the owning School or discipline for their programme.  It is this link that assigns the relevant School or discipline code to the students in the NSS population.  

5. Since 2011, we also have programme level data using Programme and Plan codes in Campus Solutions but the publication of results by programme is again dependent on the parameters set out in 14 above.

6. Joint Honours Programmes: On Campus Solutions, the owning organisation will be split in accordance with the two disciplines comprising the programme.

  1. If the programme crosses two Schools, the results for that programme will be assigned to the ‘home’ School, which is normally the one listed first in the ‘owning’ organisations section on Campus Solutions.  For example, BA (Hons) X and Y, for which the administering School is home to discipline X, the responses from students on that programme will be assigned to the administering School
  2. If the programme crosses two disciplines within the same School, the results for that programme will be assigned to the first of the disciplines listed as an ‘owning’ organisation in Campus Solutions.  For example, BA (Hons) X and Y, for X and Y are in the same School, if the internal data reports results at discipline level, the responses from students on that programme will be assigned to discipline X.

7. Ipsos-Mori makes the data for the University’s respondents available to us and we are only allowed to publish this mapped data internally, and can only do that if the threshold of 10 respondents is met. 

8. Data marked “Internal Use Only” may not be used outside the University.

9. Why do figures appear to be different from the publicly available data and the internally available data?  The assigning of student respondents may differ when assigning to a subject area and then assigning to an internal School or Discipline and this can skew the different reports.  For example, for the 2010 NSS, Modern Middle Eastern History must be reported under a History JACS subject area code as well as a Middle Eastern Studies JACS code.  Responses are therefore included in History and African and Modern Middle Eastern Studies for the publicly available data and reported only under LLC and MES on the internal data.  This creates a difference between the publicly available results and internal results for MES.