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Student experience surveys

Information on the various types of student surveys undertaken at The University of Manchester can be found on the University's student experience surveys web page.

The University of Manchester student survey strategy

The University participates in a number of sector-wide student experience surveys of taught students each year. These demonstrate our commitment to listening to the student voice and the results are used to promote quality enhancement, thus ensuring we deliver the best possible experience for our students.

To avoid survey fatigue, the University aims to ensure that no student is asked to complete more than one such survey in any academic year.

Sector-wide student experience surveys

National Student Survey (NSS)

The National Student Survey for final year undergraduates runs annually. The survey is run by IPSOS Mori on behalf of UK HE funding bodies. Results are used to inform improvements to the student experience, compile University league tables and to inform future students' choice of University/course.

Results from the previous year's survey are published on the Unistats website where prospective students and their advisers can use the information to make informed choices of what and where to study.

Further information about the NSS, including materials for Schools to use to help promote the survey and communicate with students, can be found at the University's NSS pages:

Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES)

The PTES ran at UoM for the first time in 2013. Like the NSS, it is a national survey, designed by the Higher Education Academy but administered by individual institutions.

It collects feedback from postgraduate taught students on various aspects of their academic experience, with the results being used to inform enhancements to postgraduate provision. Unlike the NSS, the results are not used in league tables and each institution's results are confidential, although aggregated data is available for internal use only (e.g. to enable comparison of University of Manchester results against the average for the Russell Group). The HEA also produce a national report, again containing aggregated data only.

Further information about the PTES, including materials for Schools to use to help promote the survey and communicate with students, can be found below:

Unit surveys

Further information about the unit surveys, including information for Schools regarding the unit survey process, can found on the Teaching and Learning Support Office website:

Your say for your Uni

Completion of the surveys is promoted in one overarching year-long campaign, targeted to the relevant audiences. It will offer a simple message that student feedback is an essential part of University life and will have a real impact on the student experience.

Results from previous surveys

Available as management information on the Planning Support Office Website - University of Manchester credentials required.