Statistical data for quality assurance
This page provides access to sources of information and statistical data to support Schools in undertaking continuous and annual monitoring and periodic review processes.
PowerBi displays information on various sets of student data, such as NSS, application and admissions, graduate outcomes, retention, attainment, in a consolidated format. Data can be interrogated at various levels: Faculty, School, discipline and programme level. Staff can use PowerBi to generate sets of reports as required to provide specific data sets.
The Student Data Team can provide up to date views of student data as and when needed.
Directorate of Planning
The Directorate of Planning produces a wide range of statistics and management information to support University strategic planning and decision-making processes. The planning and management information team are responsible for:
- Statutory reporting: submitting the University’s student HESA and HESES returns, and a number of other statutory requirements
- Student number planning and associated resource allocation
- Management information: the production of a range of student-related management information, including 1 December student profile, SSRs, non-continuation, widening participation data and student survey information
- Benchmarking data against other institutions through league tables, cost centre comparisons and performance indicators
The data analysis team are involved in projects looking at entry qualifications, recruitment, attainment, widening participation and other ad-hoc projects.
Further information can be found on the Directorate of Planning page.
Useful Links
Further information on data collected and how it can be used is available on the following pages: