Developing student placements
Placement learning is learning that is an integral part of a programme of study, which contributes to a programmes learning outcomes but which normally takes place outside the University.
The Faculty of Humanities encourages Schools to offer placements as part of their curriculum and has developed guidance for Schools intending to either introduce new programmes which include placements or amend existing programmes to include a placement, whether optional or compulsory, within the UK or overseas.
- Guidance on Approval of Student Placements
- Guidance for Staff on Placement Learning (Teaching and Learning Delivery effective Sept 2024)
Where Schools are intending to introduce a period of study abroad for undergraduate programmes, contact should be made with the International Programmes Office for advice on setting up the placement and, if the placement takes place through an institutional exchange agreement, for recording the number of students in and out.
Useful links
- Principles and Procedures for student placements on taught programmes
- Student Support Services - Placements and Study Abroad (for finance and fees queries)