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Resources and support for academic staff

In order to help academics embed employability within their programmes and modules, the Faculty of Humanities has created this list of resources that can be used to guide programme and/or module development.

Guidance for producing careers and employability content for web course profiles - This guidance aims to enable colleagues to improve and better promote the careers content within the web profiles of their programmes.

Placements and Internships FAQ - This FAQ document provides information for colleagues in Schools on placements and internships, to help encourage and promote options available to students to gain employability skills and work experience.

Careers Service

The University Careers Service can assist in all aspects of employability providing both 1-1 support and guidance alongside larger events which can be included within the curriculum. The webpages cover  

  • My Future' Information for about employability from the Careers Service
  • Careers Service information for staff - supporting students

Alongside this, each School has a Careers Consultant from the Humanities Careers Team who links with them directly and can offer a wide range of local-level support.

The Faculty Careers Team can support you and your students in a variety of ways, so you advised to contact them directly to receive tailored and appropriate information and support.

Careers contacts for Humanities

University Institute for Teaching and Learning (UMITL)

The newly formed UMITL has a number of resources and toolkits available which can be accessed via the StaffNet pages


Manchester has the largest global alumni community of any campus-based university in the UK, with many of the almost 500,000 former students in more than 190 countries, holding top positions in every imaginable field. The alumni team can help you work with alumni to provide access to real-world experience and expertise that can be invaluable to students.

Higher Education Academy

The Higher Education Academy Resource Hub brings together a large number of resources that can be used when considering how to embed employability within programmes. These include a Best Practice Framework.

My Learning Essentials (MLE)

The University of Manchester Library delivers a programme of workshops on academic and employability skills. MLE resources can be embedded at a programme or course level, or you can recommend that students take advantage of the bookable workshops and online resources as an individual learner.