EDI in the Curriculum Design Process
EDI needs to be considered in both the unit/programme content and in teaching, learning and assessment approaches.
All programmes should ensure that all teaching and learning methods and supporting materials can be used by all students. Reasonable adjustments may still be required in some circumstances, but the University has a duty to prepare for and remove barriers wherever possible through the process of learning design , utilising subject specific guidance when required. Each programme should also ensure that there is an appropriate range of assessment methods and that the language used in assessment tasks is clear.
Materials should be released in advance wherever possible so that students have sufficient time to engage with them prior to scheduled sessions.
Key questions to consider:
- What are the things that could create barriers of access for our students?
- How can we anticipate and design-out these issues?
- How can we maintain an ongoing dialogue between staff and students to understand the experiences of students?
- How can we maintain an ongoing awareness of the training and development needs of staff to support them to meet the standards?
A set of resources has been put together the support the development of new programmes and the embedding of EDI within existing programmes.