Approval process
The word document below summarises the information on approval of collaborative activity:
The process of approval will vary in terms of timescales, content and levels of approval depending on the type of collaborative activity. Schools are advised to consult with their Faculty Teaching and Learning Officer (Education Development, Policy, Procedure and Practice) for full guidance as to what documentation is required, however the process for approval can be found in the below
Flowchart for the Approval of Collaborative Activity
Additional process for non-UK agreements (including Study Abroad Agreements)
For agreements with parties outside the UK, there is an additional process to ensure that all such agreements are registered and approved by the International Development (ID) section within the Directorate for the Student Experience. This process should proceed in parallel with the procedures described above.
Agreements that involve an award of the University
This requirement is built into the process for the approval of a collaborative agreement, as per the policy and procedure for the quality assurance of collaborative provision.
All other agreements
At the same time as a non-UK proposal is being considered within a School, the Proposer should discuss it with the ID section, which will then offer provisional advice on the general suitability of the proposed agreement in relation to the University’s mission, aims and objectives. A member of ID is assigned to each School and this person should be the initial contact.
The ID procedures require the completion of a form for approval and central registration of all non-UK agreements (available here). Before the form can be returned to ID, it must have the approval of the HoS. In practice, HoS approval should be sought simultaneously for both FoH and ID.
ID will arrange for their form to be signed off, as appropriate, by the Head of School, by the relevant Associate Dean or by the Dean and Vice-President. ID will then be responsible for ensuring that all appropriate parties receive a copy of the signed ID form.
It should be noted that where a collaborative proposal involves either a new programme or an amendment to an existing programme, the programme approval procedures need to be followed alongside the approval of the collaborative link: