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Collaborative activity

The procedures for the approval of collaborative activity in the Faculty of Humanities work within the quality assurance framework of the University. Anyone proposing a collaboration should also consult the both the following:

Humanities Policy and Procedure for Collaborative Activity 

Guidance and Procedures for the Quality Assurance of Collaborative Provision

When do I need approval to collaborate with external organisations?

The Faculty procedure is that approval to enter into any agreement involving other parties outside the University (see exceptions below) must be given by overall approval by the Dean, following a recommendation from the relevant Head(s) of School and approval at the Faculty Quality, Standards Design and Enhancement Committee (QSDE). For agreements with organisations from outside the UK, a recommendation must also be provided by the Director of International Development (DID).

Under this procedure, it is not permissible for individuals to sign official agreements binding the Faculty (and the University) and doing so could constitute a disciplinary matter. This would not prevent individuals from giving a statement of intent, provided that it is made clear to the other party(ies) that such a statement is not legally binding, and that only the Dean has the right to commit the Faculty to agreements.


There are two exceptions:

  1. Consultancies which are covered by a separate University policy
  2. Study Abroad Agreements:
    1. Study Abroad agreements where more than one School is involved: approval must be sought from the Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning
    2. Study Abroad agreements where only one School is involved: approval must be sought from the Head of School

The signatory to the agreement will be determined in accordance with the requirements of each collaboration. A copy of the agreement will be made available to the Faculty Teaching and Learning Office.

Monitoring and Review of Collaborative Activity

In order to meet the requirements around monitoring and review as outlined in this Humanities Policy and Procedure for Collaborative Activity, the Faculty EDPP team have built in the review of collaborative partner status to their annual cyclical activities.

Faculty Teaching and Learning Officers (EDPP) will, as part of the annual cycle of review, each September establish partnerships due to be renewed and will contact Schools accordingly to advise that an agreement is due for renewal within the next 12 months. 

Schools/departments are then expected to liaise with relevant colleagues within admissions and teaching and learning to consider the requirements of review as outlined in the policy. Faculty has developed the below monitoring and review form to support schools in this activity.

Collaborative Activity Monitoring and Review Pro-Forma 

On completion of the above, if the School deems the collaborative activity as suitable to continue, then the full Approval to Renew process should be undertaken. Guidance on this can be sought from your Faculty Teaching and Learning Officer (EDPP).