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Student Awards and Funding

Outstanding Academic Achievement (OAA) Award

Each year the top 0.5% of the undergraduate graduating year is recognised by The University of Manchester. Successful students receive a monetary award and a certificate. 

The Faculty of Humanities also recognises those students who achieve an overall degree average of 75% (or above). These students receive the Dean’s Award for Achievement. NB: There is no monetary award associated with the Dean’s Award for Achievement. 

The Faculty will contact the Schools in June each year with the process to be followed and the relevant deadline. 

Conference/Research Abroad Funding for self-funded postgraduate taught (PGT) students

The Faculty of Humanities is pleased to announce that it is able to provide some support to its self-funded PGT students towards the costs of:

  • attendance at a conference (either in the UK or overseas, face to face or online) which would be beneficial to your master's study at The University of Manchester
  • undertaking research abroad (the funding only covers research undertaken in another country ie outside the UK) which is related to your dissertation (or equivalent)

Students can apply for support up to the maximum value of £150; successful applications may be fully or partially funded up to the maximum amount.  Students can be supported twice from the fund (up to a maximum of £150 each time). This is to support two separate activities and cannot be combined to support one activity at a higher combined rate.

The following expenditure can be claimed for:

  • conference fees and expenses related to presenting a paper (photocopying etc.)
  • travel (air, rail, petrol use, etc.) by the most economical means available
  • accommodation (hotel, hostel etc.) excluding food

Please note:  applications will not be considered which request support for a compulsory or optional field/study trip or exchange/study abroad etc., which forms part of a course, or for attendance at a training course/workshop or summer school etc.


Applications can be made any time within the following dates:-

Monday, 21 October 2024 to Monday, 2 June 2025

How do I apply?

Applications must be submitted on the application form and must also be completed by your School’s PGT Director; Teaching & Learning Director; Programme Director; or equivalent, prior to submission.

Sections 1, 2 and 3 should be completed by you, the Applicant. Section 4 must be completed by the PGT Director; Teaching & Learning Director; Programme Director; or equivalent.  Sections 1-4 must be fully completed prior to submission. Incomplete application forms will not be considered. Section 5 is completed by the Faculty Office upon receipt.

Completed application forms should be sent by email to

NB: Applications must be made prior to the date of the conference/undertaking research abroad as retrospective applications will not be considered.

Submitting receipts and an evaluation form 

Sections 1 and 2 of the reconciliation form should be completed by you. Completed reconciliation forms and original receipts, together with the Faculty PGT Conference / Research Abroad funding evaluation form should sent by email to within one month of attendance at the Conference / end of the Research Abroad. 

Additional information

If you have any questions please contact