Recruitment, admissions and conversion
The documents list contains a series of University policies and procedures on recruitment and admissions.
The Student Admissions website has information on receiving new applications, assessing applications, making offers, approaching registration, processing applications, admissions data and Tier 4 Student Visas.
Handling and converting applications
The Teaching and Learning Support Office (TLSO) website provides good practice in processing applications and in the care of the applicant. Advice is available on how to deal with applications, visit days, making an offer and students who re-apply to the University.
Conversion frameworks
Humanities have developed both an undergraduate and postgraduate taught conversion frameworks. The Frameworks set out the minimum expectations on schools with regard to conversion activities and provide some examples of how those minimum expectations could be implemented. In addition to the minimum expectations, there are aspiration activities which could be course/discipline dependent, or dependent on the resources available but which schools should give consideration to.
Conversion is about building a relationship with an applicant so that Manchester becomes their first choice of university. It starts as part of the recruitment process, ensuring that your course is listed within the applicant’s first five choices on their UCAS form. From that stage, your course has to become the first choice for the applicant and you can influence that choice by way of conversion activity.
In addition, the Student Recruitment and International Development Division have provided some advice on conversion at the different stages of the application process in their own conversion framework.
Student finance
The Student Finance pages aim to help applicants understand the financial side of undergraduate study.
Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL)
Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) is the generic term used for the award of credits on the basis of demonstrated learning which has taken place in the past. The Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning’ (AP(E)L) is the formal recognition of prior learning gained through other experience, including paid or unpaid work, self-directed study or through leisure pursuits.
APL and AP(E)L are accepted by The University of Manchester to encourage wider participation of students, with varying educational experiences and open access to its programmes of study. They are permitted on both undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes.
The document above states ‘Copies of documentation and records of decisions relating to AP(E)L applications should be maintained by the relevant School (and details of numbers of applications received, granted and refused, etc. sent to the relevant Faculty for information)’ – point 7.3.
The reporting on the applications considered will be received for information (and any action required to inform strategic matters) bi-annually at the Faculty’s Teaching and Learning Committee. The dates for submission of the completed form for the 2024/25 academic year are 25 November 2024 and 28 April 2025.
The completed form should be sent electronically to Sarah Newman (
Notification to Faculty of Accreditation of Prior Learning 2024/25
Faculty of Humanities Fast Track Application Scheme
The Faculty has a process for proactively recruiting current Undergraduate students to related Masters programmes. Please refer to the Fast Track Application Scheme for further information.
Faculty of Humanities Alumni Scholarship
Further information on the Faculty of Humanities Alumni Scholarship.