Pre-arrival and induction
The welcome pages provide essential advice, information, and guidance for students (and staff) at the University.
Find out about the accommodation on offer to our students and the accommodation guarantee.
Induction and transitional support
Induction is a process, not an event, focusing on points of transition in the student life-cycle from application to graduation.
The University has developed an Induction and Transitional Support Framework to guide those responsible for implementing student induction and supporting students as they encounter the various transition points in their programme of study and/or life at the University of Manchester.
There is also an Induction Framework - Themes and Good Practice guideline supporting the Framework which and offers examples of good practice. A document outlining the Key Transitions during the Student Life Cycle is also available.
Humanities Induction Toolkit (Faculty)
The Induction Toolkit supports The University of Manchester Induction and Transitional Support Framework; the phrase ‘induction’ here includes all activities aimed at introducing a student to the University, from Welcome Week, through to the information you might wish to convey to students throughout their life at the University.
The Toolkit has been organised into several pages comprising the transition times within the student lifecycle. The pages comprise useful information and links to relevant areas, and have been organised into the following sections:
- Academic
- Policies
- International students
- Student Life
- Well-Being
- Learning Support
- Services for students