Teaching and learning lexicon
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X, Y, Z |
Weighted Average is the weighted average of a programme of study, calculated to 1 decimal place.
(Humanities) Wellbeing Champion Network is an informal network for Wellbeing Champions across Humanities’ Schools and the Faculty Office to come together with like-minded individuals to share ideas, best practice, to promote wellbeing local and central University events and activities and to help cascade consistent wellbeing messaging across the Faculty. The Network feeds into the Faculty of Humanities Social and Wellbeing Advisory Group (FoHSWAG).
Widening Participation is the term used for the recruitment of undergraduate students from ‘non-traditional backgrounds’, enabling fairer access to a Manchester education for talented students regardless of their background
Wiki is a web-based document/website that facilitates collaborative work by enabling users to share, edit and update content of a document(s)
Withdrawal is when a study leaves their programme of study prior to the end of the programme.
Work-based learning is learning that takes place in the workplace. The term covers any learning that takes place through an organised work opportunity, rather than in a university or college setting, and includes managed placements. Some supervision or monitoring is likely be involved, and may be carried out either by a member of staff or a mentor within the host organisation.