Teaching and learning lexicon
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X, Y, Z |
Validation is the process by which the University judges that a programme developed and delivered by another institution is of an appropriate quality and standard to lead to a University award. The partner institution is responsible for the recruitment and selection of students. Students are normally registered at the partner institution and subject to its regulations in relation to discipline and complaints. The partner institution is responsible for the design of the programme, learning resources, student support, for the quality of the student learning experience, and for financial matters. The University is responsible for approving entry standards to the programme, the design of the programme, arrangements for its delivery, and mechanisms for quality assurance and enhancement. These students are 'associate students' of the University, registered with a partner institution and having limited access to University resources.
Vertical Curriculum Planning is structuring the curriculum to ensure that units at higher levels build on the skills and knowledge acquired at the lower levels. Clear and transparent vertical planning can help students to make informed choices about their curriculum pathway.
Vice-President and Dean is responsible for the strategic leadership and operational management of the Faculty,
Vice-President (Teaching, Learning and Students) is responsible for strategy and policy development in this area, especially in relation to the enhancement of the student experience, supporting widening participation and improving student employability.
Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is a web application that provides a web environment to help extend the classroom online.
Viva Voce is an oral examination which may be used to help determine a student’s result in addition to the normal methods of assessment.