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Teaching and learning lexicon

M N O P Q R S T U V W X, Y, Z


Tariff Score is a means of allocating points to post-16 qualifications used for entry to higher education. It was developed to allow for broad comparisons to be made about a wide range of qualifications by universities and colleges and to help them with their management information.

Taught Credits (PGT only) are credit achieved as a result of successful completion of ‘taught’ course units on PGT programmes as specified in programme handbooks. This is to enable programmes to formally distinguish between delivered teaching and independent research, where this exists.

Teaching and Learning Committee (HTLC) the Faculty’s primary committee which has an oversight of all teaching, learning and student experience activity in the Faculty. School Teaching and Learning Directors / Undergraduate and Postgraduate Taught Directors are full members of this committee. TLC delegates aspects of its remit to a number of sub-committees.

Teaching and Learning Delivery (TLD) is based within the Student and Academic Services (SAS), part of the Directorate for the Student Experience (DSE). Their primary role is to manage and facilitate the implementation of institutional strategy for excellence in teaching and learning and the Manchester student experience working with academic and Professional Services staff across the University. Visit the Teaching and Learning Delivery website.

Teaching and Learning Engagement Forum has the role of:

  • Acting as an advisory group to the Teaching and Learning Executive Group with reference to the following matters:
    • The development, promotion and monitoring of strategies, policies and procedures for the delivery and enhancement of teaching and learning (undergraduate and postgraduate taught).
    • The development and monitoring of policies and procedures for the maintenance of standards and the enhancement of the student experience (undergraduate and postgraduate taught, including collaborative provision).

Teaching and Learning Group Executive was established in September 2019, replacing the previous version of the Teaching and Learning Group (TLG). The group is chaired by the  Vice President for Teaching, Learning and Students, and currently meets on a weekly basis. 

Teaching and Learning Delivery (TLD) Bulletin is emailed out approximately every 4 - 6 weeks, covering news from the Teaching & Learning Delivery (TLD) Office, information relevant to teaching and learning support staff, quality assurance and enhancement staff and those working in partner organisations. To be included on the mailing list you need to email Visit the website to view bulletins and archived copies.

Teaching Assistant (TA) is a person employed on an hourly basis, or through a studentship contract, to provide teaching and learning support to academic staff. TAs include PGR students at Manchester, those at other institutions, and others employed to teach on an hourly basis. 

Teaching Excellence Awards are an internal award made to academic and support staff members who have been nominated by their schools and faculties, and who have demonstrated a sustained and significant contribution to teaching excellence over a number of years. Read more about the teaching excellence awards.

Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) is a national scheme run by the Office for Students (OfS) that aims to encourage higher education providers to improve and deliver excellence in the areas that students care about the most: teaching, learning and student outcomes (whether students go on to managerial or professional employment, or further study). The TEF does this by assessing and rating universities and colleges for excellence above a set of minimum requirements for quality and standards. Providers that take part in TEF can receive an overall rating as well as two underpinning ratings – one for the student experience and one for student outcomes. The ratings reflect the extent to which a provider delivers an excellent experience and outcomes for its mix of undergraduate students and across the range of its undergraduate courses and subjects.

Term Activation is a function in Campus Solutions which allows for the rolling forward of students’ records onto a subsequent year of study.

Theses is the term used for written output of independent research undertaken by an MPhil or PhD student.

Timetable is a published schedule of teaching which is individual to each student / member of staff, accessed via the My Manchester portal.

Timetabling Management Group (TMG) brings together representatives from the three Faculties and relevant areas of the PS to oversee the annual timetabling schedule, the implementation of the Policy on Timetabling, and to make recommendations for future business improvements for timetabling and room booking.

Title of Awards - title X signifies that at least two thirds of the credits of the programme relate directly to the subject X.

Title of Awards - title “X and Y” signifies that the distinct subjects X and Y each comprise more than one third of the credits of the programme and of the credits in the final year.

Title of Awards - title “X with Y” signifies either

  1. that subject X is studied with subject Y, where Y comprises at least one quarter but no more than one third of the credits of the programme and of the credits in the final year; or
  2. that subject X is combined with a substantial period of study Y (typically one academic year) away from the University.

Title of Awards titles “X (with Y)” or “X (Y)” may be used to signify that subject X is studied with subject Y where Y is another subject or pathway that comprises less than one quarter but at least one sixth of the credits of the programme and of the credits in the final year.

Titles of awards will not normally include more than two subjects, to which “with Y” for a period of study Y as above may be added where applicable.

Transnational Education (TNE) refers to the delivery of award or credit bearing educational programmes/units by HEIs in countries other than their own. TNE is also referred to as overseas collaborative provision. Read the Policy on Transnational Education.

Transnational Education Group is a University group which reviews all current transnational education (TNE) activities undertaken by the University and approves and oversees the development of all new TNE activities.

Transcript is the formal record of a student’s achievement, including the grades.

Transferable Skills are those skills possessed by an individual that can be used in a variety of settings e.g. group working and presentation skills etc.

Tuition Fees are the cost paid for studying.

Turnitin - Web-based submission, assessment, plagiarism detection and online marking tool which requires work to be submitted to it electronically.

Turnitin and GradeMark Training and Community Space - Online community space which aims to provide training, peer learning and communication between academic and admin staff users, and between them and the Humanities eLearning team.

Tutorial is a meeting involving one-to-one or small group supervision, feedback or detailed discussion on a particular topic or project. Tutorials may be distinguished from seminars for the stronger emphasis that they place on the role of the tutor in giving direction or feedback. Tutorials can happen virtually as well as face-to-face.