Teaching and learning lexicon
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X, Y, Z |
Reading Lists Online delivers on the Library’s Reading Lists Strategy, which was developed through engagement and partnership with University staff.
It maximises the Library’s contribution to the University’s strategic objectives and success by delivering an improved student experience, and a streamlined service for staff. It also enables the Library to deliver teaching resources in the most efficient and effective way available in line with its policy for the purchase of reading list books.
Referral (previously known as a resit) is a second attempt at summative assessment, with penalty, as a result of the failing the first attempt.
Reference List is a list of publications a student has referred to in any way in their work.
Register of Collaborative Provision is the University's official register for all approved Collaborative Provision, managed by the Teaching and Learning Support Office.
Registration is the process by which an individual becomes a student of the University. The University authorities check that all necessary information about students is present, confirm student status and collect tuition fees.
Rescind - to hand back an award of the University in order to receive a higher award.
Research Abroad / Conference Funding is a Faculty fund to support self-funded taught postgraduate students to attend a conference (either in the UK or overseas) which would be beneficial to their Masters study or to undertake research abroad which is related to their dissertation. Find out more about student awards and scholarships.
Research Communications and Engagement Network, led by the Research Communications and Engagement Manager, meets three to four times per year to network across the institution and share best practice and industry trends.
Resit Without Attendance- The 2012 taught degree regulations do not allow students to resit without attendance.
Responsive teaching involves actively responding to the needs and opinions of students as they develop during the learning process. This may include engaging students in the programme design process. Responsive teaching requires a process of actively gathering feedback and data, reflecting and redesigning.
Retention is the term used to describe the rates of students progressing with their studies.
RSS is a method used to push and pull content across the Internet.
Rubrics is the term used for the scoring tool in Turnitin that defines the criteria for assessing various dimensions of a written assignment.
Russell Group is a group of 24 universities which are committed to maintaining the very best research, an outstanding teaching and learning experience and unrivalled links with business and the public sector; The University of Manchester is one of the 24 Russell Group universities.