Teaching and learning lexicon
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X, Y, Z |
National PASS Leader Conference provides an exciting opportunity for PASS Leaders from institutions across the UK and Ireland to come together and share their experiences, enthusiasm, ideas and good practice from their schemes.
National Student Survey (NSS) for final year undergraduates runs annually and is run by IPSOS. Results are used to inform improvements to the student experience, compile University league tables and to inform future students' choice of University/course. The Division of Teaching, Learning and Student Development has more information about surveys that run throughout the academic year and collect student feedback.
National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS) is an external award scheme coordinated by the AdvanceHE. Read more about the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme.
Negative Service Indicator - a symbol placed on a student’s record in Campus Solutions to indicate they have a blockage / restriction placed against them.
New Programme Proposal (NPP) is an application to the Faculty to develop and deliver a new programme of study. This is a two stage process 1) NPP1 is for the approval in principle and is the detailed rationale and business case for introducing a new programme. Following approval in principle, it is possible to advertise programmes as 'provisional' i.e. starred in the prospectus. 2) NPP2 is concerned with the programme content and programme details and is required for full approval. Read more about New Programme Proposals.
Normal Distribution An arrangement of data in which most values are close to the mean and as one moves toward either extreme the frequency of the data thins out. Sometimes informally referred to as the bell curve (because it is shaped like a bell). Heights of men (or women) in a given population are normally distributed for example.
Normalisation A statistical method used to adjust the range of marks so that they conform (approximately) to a normal distribution.
North American Foundation for the University of Manchester (NAFUM) is an independent foundation which supports our work and enhances our reputation in the USA. It is our fundraising organisation in the USA, donations which support the NAFUM Scholarship for Masters’ students.
Notional hours of learning are the number of hours which it is expected that a learner (at a particular level) will spend, on average, to achieve the specified learning outcomes at that level. One credit represents 10 notional hours of learning.