Teaching and learning lexicon
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X, Y, Z |
Major Amendment is an amendment to an existing programme which are significant in intent or effect e.g. title changes; changes to units which affect the aims and intended learning outcomes; restructuring; introduction of new pathways; introduction of a specialism for marketing purposes; introduction of a different mode of delivery; changes to the dissertation; introduction of a placement or period of residence abroad; introduction of collaborative provision. Approval for such changes must be made by the Faculty. Read more about programme amendments and withdrawals.
Manchester Graduate Talent is delivered by the university’s Careers Service and meets a growing demand from our graduates seeking to stay and start their careers in Manchester. MGT identifies temporary, paid internships exclusively for our graduates both within the university and externally within local businesses. Find out more here
Manchester Matrix sets out eight areas which students undertaking undergraduate education here at the University of Manchester would be expected to achieve by the end of their studies. Read about the Purposes of a Manchester Undergraduate Education.
Manchester Q-Step is a £19.5 million programme designed to promote a step-change in quantitative social science training. Q-Step was developed as a strategic response to the shortage of quantitatively-skilled social science graduates, we provide you with quantitative expertise to pursue further study and compete in the graduate job market. Read more about Q-Step.
Manchester Student Homes is an accommodation bureau which co-ordinates private sector accommodation for students. Visit the Manchester Student Homes website.
Manchester Welcome is the term used for the activities, events and support that the University provides to welcome all its students and get them ready for their first weeks in Manchester.
Manchester 2021-25 plan is the University’s strategic plan which sets out a number of goals, key performance indicators and targets.
Mark Descriptors The qualities associated with the marks used in assessing work to show how the work has been judged.
Mark Distribution is the process by which students in the boundary of a classification (who have met the requirements as stated in the degree regulations) are considered for the next classification. Note: marks do not change, just the classification.
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are typically short courses delivered over the web, open as regards registration and normally free of charge. Access MOOCs run by The University of Manchester.
Masters Degree is normally an award of 180 credits, at least 150 of which must be at FHEQ level 7.
Matriculation / matriculate is the process in Campus Solutions where an application is ‘rolled forward’ from the admissions section of Campus Solutions into the student section.
Mature Students are classed as those over the age of 21.
Mean What is often meant when people say “average” of numbers. It is (calculated by summing the numbers then dividing by the number of numbers. So the mean of 56,57,58 and 59 is (56+57+58+59)/4= 57.5).
Mediation is a constructive and common sense approach which produces realistic and practical solutions. It aims to offer a safe environment where people can talk through any issues or concerns they have with a trained mediator.
Mediation Service is a service open to both staff and students who wish to address an issue or concern they have at work or study. More information is available on this webpage.
Methodology is the reasoning or science behind the method/s employed in research.
Memorandum of Agreement is a term used in relation to collaborative activity and the types of contracts required. It is used occasionally for a brief document for a service, perhaps a short course the University is providing.
Memorandum of Understanding is a term used in relation to collaborative activity and the types of contracts required. It is a document stating the intention of the parties to work together, and is very general. It is not legally binding on either party. This is useful where you wish to formalise a relationship with another party without having a specific project in mind.
Mid-semester surveys are a recommended method by which to gauge students’ engagement and satisfaction with a course whilst having time to act upon their feedback. Unlike the Unit Survey conducted near the end of the course, mid-terms surveys are voluntary, but strongly encouraged as best practice in teaching and learning. Read more about feedback from students.
Minors students who have not reached the age of 18 at the start of their course are legally considered to be ‘minors’ (i.e. not yet adults) under English law. This means that The University has an ‘enhanced duty of care’ to all students under the age of 18.
Minor Amendments are amendments to programmes which do not affect the intended learning outcomes of a programme, such as changes to optional units. Schools are required to notify the Faculty of the changes that have occurred along with a copy of the revised programme specification. Read more about programme amendments and withdrawals.
Mitigating Circumstances are unanticipated circumstances which may have affected a student’s achievement in any particular assessment. The process is set out in the University's Policy on Mitigating Circumstances.
Mobile App is a computer program designed to run on smartphones, tablet computers and other mobile devices.
Mobile Learning is the use of mobile phones and other handheld devices to facilitate teaching and learning.
Moderation focuses on the marks awarded to the full set of assessed work for a task, module or course, in the context of the academic standards for the award. It is therefore separate from the question of how differences in marks between two or more markers are resolved, and is not about making changes to an individual learner’s marks (UKSCQA, 2022).
Moderation Boards deal with marks by unit, rather than by individual learners. They would normally take place after every assessment period (for example, February and May for Semester 1 and 2; August for re-sits; and October for Postgraduate Taught dissertations (UoM, 2022).
Over time: Refers to the need for the achievements represented by a qualification to be comparable with those of previous and future graduates with the same qualification (QAA, 2023).
Monotonically Increasing Always increasing or remaining constant, never decreasing.
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a form of assessment for which students are asked to select one or more of the choices from a list of answers.
My Learning Essentials is the Library’s award-winning skills programme which is an online collection of resources for students covering everything from writing skills to using social media as a research tool.
My Manchester is the personalised online space for current students, which provides easy access to learning resources, services, student support and information, all in one place.
My Manchester (staff) is a way to access a variety of resources and services which has several customisable features. Access My Manchester (staff).