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Teaching and learning lexicon

M N O P Q R S T U V W X, Y, Z


Late Submission is the term used for a student assignment which is submitted after the published deadline.

Late Submission Penalty is the penalty applied to the mark of a student assignment which is submitted after the published deadline.

League Tables are ranking of universities according to specific sets of criteria.

Learning Agreement (LA) is formal structure for approving the transfer of credit from a partner university. All students undertaking a credit-bearing period of study abroad must complete a LA, detailing the courses approved for transfer of credit.

Learning and Organisational Development (LTD) provides a broad range of courses and workshops on CVs, interviews, finance, management and teaching skills. All staff are welcome to attend training courses.

Learning Styles are the learning approaches that individuals naturally prefer. Peter Honey and Alan Mumford identified four distinct learning styles or preferences (based on the work of Kolb): Activist (learn by doing); Theorist (like to understand the theory behind the actions); Pragmatist (need to see how to put the learning into practice in the real word); Reflector (learn by observing & thinking about what happened).

Learning through Research - at The University our teaching is informed by outstanding research at all levels. Read more about learning through research at the University.

Lecture is a presentation or talk on a particular topic or idea. The term 'lecture' covers everything from the traditional model, where a single member of the institution's staff or an affiliate introduces ideas or delivers facts to a group of students, to approaches that might be much more interactive, involve a variety of contributors, make use of a range of media and technologies, and take place virtually as well as in person. Lectures are assumed, in general, to involve larger groups of students than do seminars and tutorials but size will vary depending upon the nature of what is being taught, the size of the overall student cohort, and practical concerns.

Lecture Capture the mechanism to allow the content of lectures and other group-based teaching and learning activities to be recorded and to be made available to students registered on units associated with such activities (sometimes known as ‘Podcast’). Learn more about the Podcast Service at the University.

Lecture Shout Outs are announcements made before, during or after lectures, either by students attending the lecture or by students, staff members or outside visitors who have requested permission to attend in order to make a specific announcement. Read the Guidance on Lecture Shout Outs.

Legal Advice Centre is run by the School of Law. Members of the public, University staff and students of any department are welcome to seek advice in the Centre, which is open during teaching semesters only. Find out more about the Legal Advice Centre.

Level describes the intellectual demands of course units and programmes of study. A course unit will be assigned a level, taken from the FHEQ. Levels 4, 5 & 6 correspond to the typical demands of successive years of a Bachelors degree and level 7 to the typical demands of a Masters (or Integrated Masters final year) Degree programme.

Licencing is the process by which programmes of study owned by, and delivered at The University of Manchester, are made available for use by another institution or organisation for a fee, where no award is given by Manchester, and no accreditation or validation is done on behalf of Manchester. Licensing is ideally carried out on a non-exclusive basis, i.e. the University remains free to license the material to other parties in the future, and can continue to use the material for the University’s purposes. The University of Manchester Innovation Factory works with UoM academics and students to protect and commercialise their intellectual property. The Innovation Factory should be contacted for advice and assistance with licensing.

Long Essay is the term used for written output of a student’s independent research (normally at undergraduate level).