Teaching and learning lexicon
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X, Y, Z |
Joint Academic Coding Structure (JACS) Codes is a system used by HESA and is used by UK Institutions to identify the subject matter of programmes and modules. Codes are formed from a letter and three digits: the letter indicates the subject area; the numbers indicate the topics within the main subject area. The JACS codes are mapped to a JACS hierarchy which incorporates Levels 1-3 and & Principal Subject JACS.
Joint Award is a programme of study which has been jointly developed by two (or more) universities. The two (or more) Degree-awarding institutions will collaborate to teach a programme, and the student may study in one or more of them. The student receives one award and one certificate, which carries the crests/logos of all participating universities.
Joint Delivery arrangement is one where one (or more) partner institutions provide teaching towards an award of the University of Manchester. In such cases, the provision (or intellectual property) is owned by the University. A jointly-delivered programme usually arises when the proposed partner does not have degree awarding powers. The final award in this type of arrangement is an award of the University of Manchester and the University is accountable for the quality and standards of the provision. The University will also be responsible for administering admissions, registration and other student related processes including the production of the final transcript and degree certificates.