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Teaching and learning lexicon

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In attendance when studying in attendance, it is expected that students will attend lectures, undertake assessment and pay full fees.

Inclusive Language and Images - language and images are very powerful in all forms of communication, both oral and written. We all have an individual responsibility to use language that respects and includes all communities. If we fail to exercise this responsibility, language could discriminate and exclude people, and may cause offence whether or not we intended it.

Inclusive teaching is the design and delivery of teaching so that all students may participate equally. 

Independent Learning provides opportunities for students to explore pedagogic issues and concepts independently of the teacher.

Induction is activities aimed at introducing the student to the University and its communities, and activities which are intended to support students in making key transitions throughout their programme of study and/or life at the University of Manchester.

(Manchester) Induction Framework is a document detailing The University’s approach to the annual cycle of stages of induction which contribute to students’ success. Read about The Manchester Induction Framework.

Induction Toolkit - Faculty online resource enabling Schools to develop and implement good practice in student induction and supporting students as they encounter the various transition points in their programmes. Access the Induction Toolkit.

Institute of Teaching and Learning (ITL) is an academic centre created to support teaching quality, embed innovative teaching methods and lead on university-wide strategic projects. See the ITL website.

Instructor Role in Campus Solutions allows staff to access various levels of data; staff must be assigned to this role in Campus Solutions.

(Humanities) Intake Management Group (IMG) is a sub-committee of the Teaching & Learning Committee (TLC) which monitors likely student enrolment against approved targets and ensures appropriate action is taken in response to any anticipated shortfalls or over recruitment.

Integrated Masters is an enhanced four year undergraduate award combining both undergraduate and postgraduate study. The first three years are studied at undergraduate level and the fourth year allows students to study 120 credits at FHEQ level 7.

Intellectual Property (IP) is a term used to describe the rights which protect ideas and other forms of intellectual creation. IP created by students of the University usually belong to the student.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) are what students should typically know and be able to do, and/or value at the completion of a course unit or programme of study, as set out in course unit and Programme Specifications.

Intercalation is the terminology used in Campus Solutions to denote a standard period of working abroad, industrial placement etc. on a student’s record.

Internal Advisor is an academic member of staff who is appointed to give feedback on the academic content of the programme/pathway documentation at appropriate points in the drafting stage for new programme proposals; the Advisor is external to the proposing School. Read more about this in the Guidance on for QSDE Committee Members for the approval of new programmes and major amendments

Internal Examiner is the First marker, appointed by the Academic Lead or nominee. Marks in accordance with the model/ expected answers and the marking scheme.

Internal moderation is a process separate from marking and provides assurance that assessment criteria have been applied appropriately, reflecting the shared understanding of the markers. It can, where appropriate, enable comparability of outcomes across academic subjects, for instance, in recognising that learners may be studying more than one subject (UKSCQA, 2022).  

Internal Moderator An Internal Moderator is appointed by the School, overseen by the Academic Lead, to moderate the marking, in accordance with the model answers and marking scheme.

Interruption is a period of time away from study granted by the School.

International Baccalaureate (IB) is a programme of education with final examinations that prepares students, aged 16 to 19, for success at university.

International Students is the classification of those students who study at the University who are normally domiciled outside of the European Union.

International Society is an independent, not-for-profit organisation unique to the city of Manchester. They aim to provide international students with a warm and friendly welcome when they arrive in the city and to make their time in the UK a wonderful experience. The International Society is open to everyone.