Teaching and learning lexicon
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Gradebook is the area of Campus Solutions where assessment information is processed.
Grade Conversion is the process by which grades obtained by students at partner universities (e.g. whilst on study abroad) are converted to the University of Manchester scale using the approved Framework for Credit Transfer and Grade Conversion.
Grade Descriptor is a description of the learning processes and outcomes demonstrated by a student in order to attain a particular grade.
GradeMark is a Turnitin tool which allows academic staff to edit and grade student assignments online.
Grade Point Average (GPA) is a credit weighted-mean for the semester / year calculated in Campus Solutions. Degrees at The University of Manchester are not awarded on the basis of a GPA.
Grade Roster is a holding area / repository in Campus Solutions where marks which have been entered into Gradebook are held, from where they can be approved before being posted to a student’s record.
Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) is an on-line exam sometimes used during the admissions process for certain management programmes.
Graduation is the receiving or conferring of an academic degree, usually at a ceremony.
Group Work where students work as part of a team to learn a variety of skills and produce a product for a specified outcome.
Graduate Teacher Training Registry (GTTR) is an online system used to apply for a PGCE (Postgraduate Certificate in Education) programme.
Guidance Note or a Code of Practice is an advisory document that indicates a course of action that will usually be followed unless there is a good reason for not doing so. They provide protocols, practice and guidance to ensure that staff and others can comply with specific Policies and Procedures