Teaching and learning lexicon
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L |
M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X, Y, Z |
eAssessment refers, broadly speaking, to the use of information technology for any assessment-related activity.
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) is the UK’s largest organisation for funding research on economic and social issues. They support independent, high quality research which has an impact on business, the public sector and the third sector. Visit the ESRC website.
Educational Recording Agency (ERA) is responsible for licensing the use of broadcast material for educational purposes. The University holds an ERA licence which allows you to record scheduled free-to-air broadcasts on BBC television and radio, ITV network services (including ITV2, ITV3 and ITV4), Channel 4, E4, S4C, and Five Television. The University also has an ERA Plus licence, these recordings can then be delivered online, and accessed by authenticated staff and students - both on- and off-campus - within the UK in a non-public web page. This licence now includes the online delivery of Open University broadcasts and the use of some on-demand catch-up services in the classroom (BBC iPlayer and Channel 4's 4oD only). Read more about these services on this page: Support and services | Faculty of Humanities | StaffNet | The University of Manchester
Effective Date is what each row entered within Campus Solutions is known as. This is, in essence – the date at which that row of data becomes effective. When you add a new row into Campus solutions, the Effective Date will default to be that days date, but this can always be over-written (say, if you wish for the change to be effective from the future, or even from a previous point in time). It is the Effective Dates of rows that enables the system to determine which is currently active.
eLearning is a term used synonymously to describe that part of learning that is delivered using digital technologies and that is experienced through an interface enabled through the Internet or similar network. It provides the student with easy access to learning materials anywhere and at anytime. eLearning can cover a range of approaches, from the provision of basic support, to blended courses (a combination of both traditional and electronic methods), to courses that are delivered completely online. A variety of technologies may be used to support eLearning objectives. More information is available on this page: eLearning | Faculty of Humanities | StaffNet | The University of Manchester
eLearning Lead is a member of academic staff in a School who is responsible for developing, realising and monitoring a School plan for eLearning reflecting discipline diversity.
The Humanities eLearning Network is a sub-committee of the Faculty TLC. School eLearning Leads are full members of this committee, alongside PS eLearning Staff and student reps. The group makes recommendations to HTLC regarding prioritisation and strategic use of educational technology and resources to enhance teaching and assessment in Humanities and considers strategic development and the embedding of learning technologies to support the student experience within School and Faculty plans.
EmplID / ID unique number given to each person recorded in Campus Solutions.
Empirical knowledge is that derived from investigation, observation, experimentation or experience and not on theory.
Employability Lead a member of staff in a School who plays a lead role in enhancing the employability of students, ensuring employability is embedded within the curriculum.
(Humanities) Employability sub-committee is a sub-committee of the Teaching & Learning Committee (TLC) which makes recommendations to TLC with respect to the Faculty’s strategy for improving the employability of its graduates and reports on progress towards targets and operational priorities. School Employability Leads are members of this committee.
Employability Toolkit is a web resource, developed by the careers Service, which contains various resources to assist colleagues in understanding the employability agenda and to work more effectively with students.
English Language Support the University Centre for Academic English (UCAE) currently provides support for international students on a University-wide basis and also at Faculty, School, and Programme level.
Enhancement is the process by which higher education providers systematically improve the quality of provision and the ways in which learners’ learning is supported (QAA, 2023).
Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) is the term used for engaging students in the process of exploration. It is used to describe an environment in which learning is driven by a collaborative process of enquiry owned and directed by the student, while learning is supported and facilitated by a tutor.
Equality relates to the legal framework, and the concept of 'equal opportunities' which has developed with the implementation of equality legislation. Issues of equality are imposed on organisations by the legislation, and are largely reactive.
Equality and Diversity Training is an on-line training course which all staff must complete to equip them with the necessary skills and abilities required to work in a diverse environment. Access the Diversity in The Workplace Training.
Essay is a piece of writing which methodically analyses and evaluates a topic or issue, designed to get an academic opinion on a particular matter.
Ethical Approval - any dissertation / research project (or equivalent) or element of coursework undertaken by students which involves gathering or holding data from human participants in any form needs ethical approval, which must be granted before the research can be undertaken.
Equality and Diversity Policy outlines the University’s commitment to providing an environment free from discrimination, bullying, harassment or victimisation, where all members of its community are treated with respect and dignity. The Equality and Diversity Policy is applicable to all staff, students and applicants.
European Credit Transfer System (ECT) 1 ECT = 2 UK credits and is the European system for accommodating credit transfer.
Evaluation is an attempt to assess the value, usefulness or importance of an activity or event.
Examination is an official test that shows the knowledge or ability in a particular subject.
Examination Board is a chaired forum, with School and external representation, which ensures the standards of the marking and awards in accordance with Institutional policy and regulation.
Exam Grid - an Excel spreadsheet produced via Campus Solutions showing the assessment / examination results for students. There are different styles of grids available; Style A grids are designed to be compact and use the minimum number of spreadsheet columns. In Style B grids, on the other hand, the emphasis is on having all the marks for a single course unit in the same column.
Executive Education (often referred to as Exec Ed) is the umbrella term used for management training programmes, from core programmes that cover key leadership and management issues to a fully bespoke education experience designed for a business’ needs.
Exit Award an award of the Institution which is given when a student is unable to meet the intended learning outcomes of the programme, thereby not accumulating enough credit for the award registered for.
Exclusion is the term used when a student is required to leave the University; this may be for academic or other reasons.
Experiential Learning is learning gained through other experience.
Extension - approved additional time added to the original submission date for an assignment.
External Academic Advisor is an academic from another institution who contributes their subject expertise to the development of a University of Manchester programme. This is a requirement for new programme development and for some major amendments to existing programmes. Read about External advisers to programme proposal.
External examiners perform an essential function in supporting the diversity of subjects, acting as constructively critical peers. For example, they support course teams to ensure that students are assessed fairly and transparently by offering independent advice and support on modes of assessment and learning outcomes (UKSCQA, 2022).
External Examiner Database details all the external examiner appointments made by the University.
External Examiner Reports are completed by External Examiners and provide an opportunity for the External Examiner to comment on the academic standards at The University of Manchester, the administrative arrangements for the Examination Board, whether the aims and intended learning outcomes are appropriate, standards in assessment and decision making and recommended actions for consideration.
External visits are visits to a location outside of the usual learning spaces, to experience a particular environment, event, or exhibition relevant to the course of study. Examples are wide ranging and could include a visit to a business or industrial site, built environment site, museum or collection, to attendance at a performance or exhibition. These visits might be unsupervised or supervised, and supervisors could include staff or appointed representatives.
The Humanities Extreme-Risk Travel Advisory Group (ERTAG) routinely consider and approve extreme risk travel risk assessments to assist the Dean of Humanities in the approval process.