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Teaching and learning lexicon

M N O P Q R S T U V W X, Y, Z


Dean’s Core Brief provides a regular opportunity for senior leaders to discuss current issues and opportunities for the Faculty. Attendees are academic and PS colleagues with leadership roles in Schools and Faculty offices.

Declaration of Intent (or Letter of Intent) is a term used in relation to collaborative activity and the types of contracts required. It is used where The University of Manchester is a joint applicant for a project, but not the Lead. Occasionally the funder will require a letter from The University of Manchester to support the application.

Deferral is a second attempt at summative assessment, which will be considered a first attempt, without penalty as a result of approved mitigating circumstances.

Degree Regulation is an approved document detailing the requirements which students need to satisfy in order to be conferred with a degree. Read about degree regulations.

Demonstration is the term used for a session involving the demonstration of a practical technique or skill. e.g. the demonstration of laboratory skills, clinical skills, performance art or fieldwork techniques. Demonstrations can take place virtually or in person.

Deputy Dean and Vice Dean (Teaching, Learning & Students) is responsible for the on-going development and successful implementation of the Faculty’s strategy for Teaching & Learning and the Student Experience in accordance with the University’s overall strategy, and for providing leadership to colleagues in the furtherance of the strategy.

Destination of Leavers in Higher Education (DLHE) Survey every UK University is required to conduct the survey on behalf of the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). The survey provides HESA with essential statistics on graduate employment and/or study and is used to construct league tables and in publications, such as ‘The Times Good University Guide’. The University uses the data for statistical, research and promotional purposes. It enables the University to recognise the achievements of its graduates. The DLHE survey asks leavers from higher education what they are doing six months after graduation.

Dialogical Feedback is an active and developmental dialogue between staff and students.

Dialogic Teaching involves ongoing talking between the teacher and the student and not just the teacher presentation.

Digest Statistics are an internal set of student statistics using data drawn from central staff and student systems on 1 December each year. These statistics are used in the Annual Performance Reviews and other University planning activities.

Dignity at Work and Study all members of the University community are required to treat all colleagues and customers in a friendly, courteous and dignified manner. The University of Manchester will not tolerate any form of harassment, discrimination or bullying by any members of its community. All staff and students have a right to complain in confidence if they believe that they are being harassed whilst working or studying. Read the Dignity at work and study policy.

Diploma of Higher Education is an undergraduate award of 240 credits, at FHEQ level 5, usually as an exit award or an award for continuing professional development.

Directed Reading is the operation of credit bearing units within a student’s programme of study which rely on directed self-study rather than normal class based coverage of a syllabus. Such units are sometimes referred to as “Independent Study Units” or “Directed Reading Courses”.

Directorate for the Student Experience (DSE) was established to facilitate a joined up approach to the delivery of services to students throughout the student lifecycle and to provide leadership to enhance the student experience. The DSE is made up of 4 divisions, and a central Directorate Office: Campus Life, International Development, Residences and Sport & Student and Academic Services. Visit the Directorate for the Student Experience website.

Director of Faculty Operations (DoFO) is a member of the Professional Services and provides operational support to the Faculty’s academic activity.

Directorate of Planning comprises a wide spectrum of activities that take place across the University involving many colleagues and ranging from student number planning within individual programmes, resource planning at School and Faculty level, through to the development of the University’s long term vision and strategic plan. Visit the Directorate Of Planning website.

Disability Advisory and Support Service (DASS) provides up-to-date information for students, prospective students and applicants with specific learning difficulties, disabilities, sensory impairments, mental health difficulties and medical conditions. It is also intended that staff can use this information to enable them to support disabled students and work towards making The University of Manchester a more inclusive place to study. Visit the Disability Advisory and Support Service website.

Dissertation is the term used for written output of independent research on a topic related to a student’s programme (at undergraduate or postgraduate taught level).

Discipline is a branch of knowledge in a specific field or profession.

Distance Learning is learning done off-site from a school, college or university campus.

Distance Learning Framework is an online resource to support the development of programmes delivered by distance learning.

Distinguished Achievement Awards (DAA) - Teacher of the Year University Awards made to staff in each Faculty whose teaching over the past year has been outstanding. Find out more about Distinguished Achievement Awards.

Distinguished Achievement Award (UG / PGT students) - each year The University of Manchester gives ‘Distinguished Achievement Awards’ to one ‘UG student of the Year’ and one ‘PG Student of the Year’ in each Faculty.  The Faculty also recognises those students nominated, but who are ultimately not selected for the University’s Distinguished Achievement Award; these students receive the Faculty Award for Distinguished Achievement which comes with a monetary award.

Diversifying assessment is the process of using a variety of assessment methods and techniques to develop student skills. 

Diversity relates to the values of an organisation, and is described as 'valuing difference'. It recognises that we are all different, and that we all have needs and different contributions to make to the organisation. The University aims to develop an environment that is inclusive.

Double blind marking is a method where two markers complete marking without seeing any student details. The work is anonymous and neither markers can see each other’s marks and feedback.   

DSE Bulletin is an email bulletin providing news on Recruitment, Admissions and International Development.   To subscribe you need to email